Chapter 6

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When you were just about to ask Taehyung, the school bell rang and the cafeteria which was so calm and normal a second ago was flooded by a huge crowd of students storming into the direction of the main entrance.

Jisoo grasped your arm and dragged you with the crowd, away from the seven boys that were still gathered around the table. People were pushing and bumping into you and you felt like you were going to have a claustrophobic attack any second, as suddenly you were outside and pushed into an empty hallway.

"Dear, you okay? You didn't look so well right now, do you want to go to the nurse?" Your best friend asked you sweetly and you smiled.

'She's so fucking sweet I don't deserve her someone protecc because this is the most precious human being on mother earth!!'

"Nah, it's okay. There were just too many people and it was all crowded and I was scared and oof let's just head to class." That being said, you now dragged her arm and started walking into a random direction. A few seconds later she turned around, grabbed your shoulders and pushed you into the opposite direction, towards the classroom, and laughed at you loudly.

The whole rest of school you literally just sat in class trying hard not to fall asleep because Hoseok already did so right after lunch and got yelled at. As class was finally out, your head still rested on your table and you were ready to sleep right here, right now.

Until this one guy called Namjoon disturbed you. "Y/N", he called out, "Don't forget the party today! 8 pm at the villa – well I bet you'll go with Jisoo so you know where to find us, see ya later!" You nodded.

After that, you and Jisoo packed your stuff and walked out of school and all the way home together, she dropped you at your house and you went straight to your bed to take a long nap.

You woke up to your permanently ringing phone and picked it up with your eyes still closed. "Yeah..." was all you managed to say in this situation.

"Y/N!!! Gurl it's freaking 6.30 pm what did you do? Did you sleep all this time? Oh boy... Anyway did you pick your outfit yet? I'm ready, I'll come over in a few minutes and help you with the make-up and stuff, now get out of bed we gotta leave early, the drive's 50 minutes!" Before you could answer or protest, she hung up, woah.

In the first place, you didn't even want to doll yourself up like that and put on make up and all because you'd really rather just sleep, but every time Hoseok's words pop up in your head, you realize that you don't want to disappoint them.

Nope, you want to impress them, a lot actually. Especially that boy Jimin, just to show him that he's messing with the wrong girl. And you kind of want to get to know Taehyung and Jungkook more because they're so fucking gorgeous but you barely talked to them yet?? Time to change that.

So, since you know your bestie and the fact that she's almost always late, you take your time and look for the most slaying outfit with only a little sexy touch, we don't want to impress too much, do we?

After what feels like an eternity, you've decided on a stylish but sexy outfit which you actually like a lot. The top is tight and cropped, revealing some cleavage – not too much tho. Then the skirt is short, a little shorter than you wanted it to be but you were okay with it after all.

Just as you changed into your new – and totally slaying – outfit, you heard the doorbell ring, Jisoo arrived with a perfect timing. You walked downstairs and opened the door for her, a smirk on your lips as you waited for her reaction to your outfit.

"Oh. My. God, gurl you did thaaat!!" She fangirled, obviously amazed by your look. "You look fantastic, really. I see where you went here, taking it confidently, huh? All those guys are so going to admire you~" She stated, winking.

You simply laughed and let her in, satisfied by her reaction, that was exactly what you aimed for; wanting the boys to see this little different side of you.

'Uh-huh yes bitch I'm so gonna slay tonight!'

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