What have you done?

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"For god sake Fletcher, I'm fine. Go and bother someone else. Haven't you got a certain CEO to suck up to"
"Bit low Jac. Besides me and Abi aren't together any more"
Jac's heart flipped "finally got sick of you did she?"
"Thanks. Anyway I was just checking you were OK now that you're back full time"
They had been walking down to the locker room together having finished at the same time.
"How many times do I ha......Sacha!" Jac had opened the door to see her friend unconscious on the floor.
"Shit" said Fletch picking up empty bottles of tablets and an empty vodka bottle. "Jac look"
"Sacha, Sacha" Jac gently shook him "oh god what have you done"
"I'll go and get help" Fletch said running back towards the ward
The medication bottles were mainly antidepressants.
Suddenly Sacha started to vomit. With super human effort given their difference in size Jac pulled him onto his side.
"That's it" she soothed "get it all up"
"Jac" Sacha said weakly before losing consciousness again.
Fletch came crashing back in
"We need to move him onto the trolley. Come on guys"
Fletch had rounded up ward staff, porters, Serena, Dom and Lofty who had just been on their way to Albies.
Once on the trolley they hurried him down to ED resus. Jac and Fletch sat anxiously in the waiting room having made everyone else leave
"You can go as well you know" said Jac hoping that he wouldn't
"I'm staying til we know what's happening"
"Jac - when you were ill, me and Sacha were there for you and now you and me we're gonna be there for him" he took her hand in his fully expecting her to pull her hand away but instead she intertwined their fingers. One solitary tear rolled down her cheek.
"I didn't know he was in such a bad place Fletch"
"How could you, he always had a happy face on. Obviously an act"
They both sat up as Ethan came out. Quickly disentangling their hands
"What's happening?" Asked Jac
" he's stable for now. We're transferring him to ITU"
"Is he going to be alright?" Fletch said
"I'm sorry it's too soon to tell" Ethan patted Fletch's arm "you should both go home"
"I want to see him settled" Jac said determinedly
"We're keeping him sedated so he won't be awake tonight"
"Still I need to see him"
Ethan left them as he went to finalise Sacha's move.
"Jac, who's got Emma?" Asked Fletch, suddenly aware that it was way past crèche pick up time and when they had found Sacha they were on their way home
"Jonny has her on a Wednesday. What about your lot?"
"Natalie's mum and dad have taken them on holiday to Majorca"
"Natalie? Your late wife?"
"That's right yeah" Fletch paused wishing that their hands were intertwined again "let's head up to ITU"
For all his size, Sacha looked small and vulnerable on the ITU bed hooked up to monitors and drips
Jac's hand went to her mouth as she choked back a sob. Instinctively Fletch put his arm round her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. Jac turned into his shirt and began crying causing Fletch to draw her into a hug " ssshh"he said softly stroking her hair. Loving the way she felt in his arms. Loving the way she relied on him - not that she would ever admit that
"I guess we should go soon" he said
After a while Jac looked up into Fletch's eyes
"Fletch I don't want to be alone tonight, will you stay with me?"

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