ms.keisha, ms.keisha, ms.keisha....oh my fucking god she fucking dead.

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it was now 11:40 and hayden was no where to be found. i really shouldn't have came here and promised to be her ride home because she takes fucking forever. just my luck to finally get up from the couch and bump right into hayden again. '! why does this keep happening.' i face palm looking at the huge coke stain on my bright white shirt, next to the smaller one from earlier.

'holy shit, im sorry, here.' hayden then takes off his shirt handing it to me. i catch a few girls sneaking a peek at him and i return the favor causing them to turn back around. 'thanks...but now what are you gonna wear?' i giggle blushing at his shirtless body in front of me.

jayden finally saves me from that awkward encounter slurring she needs to go home. she falls on me. 'oh come on jay...' i stand her up but she keeps falling. 'ugh, hayden do you think johnny will let her stay here?' i ask. 'it doesn't matter, if he doesn't i will, let's bring her up.' he grabs her legs and i grab her arms. we pull her upstairs laying her in the guest bed.

'thank you...' i sigh sitting on the edge of the bed. 'anytime...i always help the people i love.' he smiles. oh god no annie don't drag yourself back into this. 'i think i should head home..' i say checking the time. 12:07. 'oh..ok? you sure? is anybody home with you?' he asks. should i lie and say yes so he won't come with me or should i tell him the truth and put myself through the fact that he will have to come with me.

'um, well now it's just me but i think-' 'no you're not fine alone im coming with..' he demands. 'but-' 'nope, im coming with you now let's go.' ge grabs my hand finding connor and tell him jaydens upstairs and he might want to join her just incase. we get to my car escaping the fall breeze. 'wow last weeks of summer...' he sighs. 'yeah, the seasons already almost over..' i frown. 'it'll be back in no time, now let's go im tiredddddd' he groans. 'alright alright...' i start the car and drive home.

wow. ok?

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