eyebrows on fleek, the fuck?

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'now everything's new and i don't know what to do'

july 17th 2018

the girls just finished racing and of course i won.

that sounded too cocky i apologize.

'good luck...' i peck hayden before he places his helmet on. he winks at me putting his goggles on. 'everyone awes making me blush. i see kenzie evil eyeing me from the corner of my eye. i look at her and she pretends to be talking to jayden.

'soooooo' dylan looks at me. 'yes? 'you and hayden are official!' he grins. 'yesssss' the blush comes back. 'yeah hannie! whooooo!' he screams resulting in everyone to look even hayden who shakes his head from embarrassment.

the gates drop and everyone starts cheering and yelling different names. 'I knew you two were official when he couldn't stop talking about you. well i mean he never stopped talking about you but this time it was worse.' he chuckles.

after the race i run down to see hayden. he takes his helmet and goggles off right before i get there. 'hi! good job!' i leap onto him hugging onto him tightly. 'thank youuuuu' he kisses my forehead placing me down to grab his bike. 'first place yeah?' i tease. 'that's only because i wasn't against you.'

2 hours later....

'ill be home at like 11:00 or earlier mom i promise...' me and hayden finish loading my bike into her truck bed, going over to her window. 'you better be!' i nod my head. 'alright....love you.' i give her a kiss on the cheek before walking away with hayden.

'shes meant for wes, not ethan!' me and hayden argue. 'okay whatever you say...even if it's wrong...' he says the last part quieter. i gently slap him. he bursts out in laughter. 'shut up!' i whine. 'oh is the little baby upset' he mocks my baby voice. i jump on him and we start play fighting.

'you're wrong!' he grabs my wrists. 'no you are...' he smirks not letting go of me or the conversation. he flips us over pinning me to the bed. 'do you ever admit when you're wrong' i ask him

'i never am.'

he leans down and kisses me. i place my hands on his neck kissing him back. he gently slips in his tongue smiling through the kiss. he takes his shirt off placing one of my hands on his abs  smirking as he slides it down to the crotch area of his pants.

'hey hayden do you-' dylan opens his door noticing us then silently walking out. 'are you serious!' hayden groans putting his shirt back on.

this chapter left me.....


saturdays (sequel coming)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt