the kissing kitchen.

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'well i know i got him
but i think that something else just might begin'

'hayden stop!' i giggle running around the island. he flicks pancake batter at me hitting me right on the face. 'it's in my mouth and my eye! i can't see!' hayden scoops me up running around the kitchen more. he places me on the counter catching his breath. 'whoo! you got me doing exercise during summer break!' he chuckles. i join in. we stop in sync slowly meeting each other's gazes.

he places a hand on my left cheek slowly inching closer. the space is getting demolished every second. his lips brush against mine ephemerally before being interrupted by footsteps on the stairs. i push him away quickly getting off the counter. kenzie and johnny walk down looking at us suspiciously as they reach the bottom of the stairs. 'hey guys!' i say slowly backing up closer to hayden. 'hey...?' johnny purses his lips together. 'hey.' hayden backs up all the way against the counter causing me to bump right into him.

'you guys just said that.' kenzie tells hayden. 'oh yeah, haha..' he scratched the back of his neck. 'what is going on?' i whisper to him. 'they're looking at us like we're crazy...' he begins. 'okay we're gonna run away in 3....2...1..' we both jolt to the top of the stairs. 'hey! what the hell?' johnny screams after us. we both run into our room and laugh our butts off.

'whos down to ride later?' connor says as we all watch some housewives show on the tv. 'uh, i didn't bring my bike...' annie sucks in air through her teeth. 'yeah me either.' i sigh. 'i bet they're gonna make out in the kitchen again' johnny teases. i see kenzie tense up when he says that's 'we didn't make out' we say at the same time. 'okayyyy, sureeeee' he throws a pillow atus.

oh yeah and by the way the title is a pun like
'the kissing booth'
but they kissed in the kitchen.
clever right! no? ok?

i'll go home.

saturdays (sequel coming)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن