I sigh and pull my underwear up, sulking to myself.

Maybe next time.

"I'll go fetch a towel for you, but please shower and freshen up, you smell like me and It's driving Hunter crazy." I exit the bathroom and go to the wardrobe to rummage for a towel. Luckily, her towel is strung up behind the door so I just have to pull it down, and find presentable clothing. I am not allowing another male to stare at my mate's delicious curves.

"Why do you only own shorts?" I yell over my shoulder so that Blaze can hear me over the rushing water.

"It's hot, Noah. They blast the A/C in the café with full heat and I am constantly moving around. It's warmer now anyways, since it's Summer." I growl at her poor excuse, sure to not let her hear. Well, if she's going to be like that, might as well have some fun.

I go to the clothes on the floor and grab my sweatpants. I make sure they don't smell bad and add one of my old shirts she still has stuffed into her closet. I find it interesting, as the article of clothing on top of many other shirts made me realize she still wears them. What if her new... Thing, saw her in one of my shirts? That fact makes me smile. He should know she was mine first and he will definitely know she's going to be mine last.

"Okay, I'm going back in, so cover what you think is inappropriate, even though I have seen it all, many, many times." I warn and enter the en suite. I place the garments onto the counter next to the sink and throw the towel over the rails.

"Thank you!" I look at her laundry basket and realize I should probably go get underwear as well. I walk back into her room and open her underwear drawer. I move around the lingerie and find a pile of my underpants that she used to love wearing whenever she indulged in a lazy day. I pick the top one up and find something underneath that I thought I'd never see. It's a thick envelope with my name scrawled in Blaze's handwriting.

"Hey, where is my underwear?" I grab the envelope and hide it behind my back as I reach into the bathroom to hand her clothing to her.

"I need to go to the pack house for clothes, I'd take you to work, but Phillip mind-linked me and said there's an urgent matter to be dealt with. I'll see you later. I love you!" I ramble and hastily make my way out.

"Hi, there, Mommy's friend." I stop in my tracks and slowly turn around. Oh no. I'm only in my underpants. My daughter cannot see me like this. I place the envelope in front of me and move behind the island in the kitchen, since she's sitting on the counter with a box of Honey Cheerios in her hands.

"Hi, Melody, Sweetie." I smile at her and wave. She excitedly waves back, carelessly shaking the box around.

"Where are your clothes?" She pulls her face into a cute, perplexed pout and I realize that this is when I make my grand exit.

"Uhm, they ran away from me, but I'm going to go chase them now, and I'll be back later and we can- uh, what do you like to do?" I slowly start moving away as her focus is now on the spilled circles on her lap.

"I like eating." She mumbles and a small smile graces her beautiful face.

"That's good, that's great, Honey. I'll be back with brownies and apple tarts and pizza, okay?" She squeals in happiness and rapidly nods her head. I slip out and run to the front door,

"Hey, Mister! Mommy isn't going to like you naked in her living room, she always yells at me when I do it." My eyes widen at the voice of my son and I look over my shoulder at his angry face.

"Yes, I know. I'm leaving to go chase my clothes. I'll be back later with appropriate attire." I unlock the door and race to my car, happy that it doesn't only need keys to start, it uses my fingerprint as well. I start up the car and speed out of the driveway.


"You found this in her underwear drawer? Are you mad? You never rummage through a lady's underwear drawer!" I roll my eyes at Phillip's melodramatic outburst.

"I didn't do it for nothing, I was looking for her underwear." I explain and a horrified look crosses his face.

"You weirdo! Gross! Pervert, you are! Wait until I-"

"Stop shouting, I meant that she needed underwear because I forgot to give her some whilst she was in the shower. I went to go fetch underwear and found my underpants and then I found the envelope." His lips form a rounded 'o' shape and he calms down.

"Oh, you should have said that from the start. You almost gave me hemorrhage." I roll my eyes again. He needs serious help.

"Idiot." I mutter under my breath and go to sit down on my bed. He follows and points to the envelope safely clutched in my hand.

"Are you going to open it?" I nod and take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

The sound of stationery being torn open fills the otherwise silent room and Phillip whispers encouragements. I sigh as my hands start to shake.

What could be in here?

What if it's a letter telling me about her new boyfriend?

What if it's a wedding invitation to their wedding? She didn't have an engagement ring on though. Maybe he's poor and couldn't afford one. Blaze hates jewellery anyways, so maybe he knows that and-

"Oh, for Moon Goddess' sake, give it!" Next thing I know, Phillip has the envelope in his hands and he's pulling out at least eight small squares and one letter from the envelope. The contents make my heart stop and speed up all together as Phillip's eyes widen. He slowly turns the squares around and it's something I didnt expect to see.

Eight pictures of each of my beautiful little pups in the womb of my beautiful Little Mate.

"I-" I gasp and I can feel tears sting my eyes.

"She wanted to send you sonogram scans? Why would she- oh!" He glances at me with sympathy and I almost growl at him. I don't need any sympathy.

"Hand over the letter and pictures, please?" I reach out and he places them into my hand. I cautiously open the letter, afraid of what it would say and take a deep breath.

"Stop being so dramatic, gosh." Phillip scoffs and he walks out of the room to give me some privacy. I shut my eyelids before reading the letter, sending a quick prayer to the Moon Goddess.

Dear Noah,

I know you must be extremely enraged by my leaving... Again and I would like to start by saying, I never wanted it to end like that. I love you, so much it hurts. I almost turned back after the first flight, but I knew if I were to return, you'd be furious and probably chase me away anyway. Four months have passed and they are born. Melody and Midnight. Our two, beautiful little pups.

I know that I could've done things differently, I could've told you sooner. I should have said something, but I know that you never want kids and I refuse to let them go. These are the pictures taken a week before their birth, so you can clearly see what they look like.

I didn't want to tell them about you until they were about four or five years old, so that when they go to school and ask about where their daddy is, I'll be able to truthfully tell them that he never knew they existed. I know now that, that is a wrong way to go about this, so I chose to tell you now and in return, I'll tell them that you are too busy to see them.

They are my world now and I wish you could be a part of it, but sadly that's not how life works and the Moon Goddess played a joke on us. Everytime I asked about children, I was hoping and praying you had changed your mind and maybe I could stay, but your mind stayed unchanged, so I had to go.

I love you, forever and always,

Your Little Mate.

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