Chapter 1 ~ Who Are They?

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Ellie woke with a start, startled by her alarm clock firing off in her ear. She dashed out of her poofy bed and opened her closet doors quickly. It was stuffed to the brim with clothes. Carefully picking out white shorts and yellow shirt, she got dressed. Ellie waltzed towards her mirror, and observed how she looked.

She grabbed her hairbrush. Her hair was long, the color of chestnut, and the beautiful locks swirled and waved. Ellie bent down to get a closer look at her eyes, which were a deeper and darker brown than her hair. They were big eyes, and it was one of Ellie's favorite parts of her face. She gripped her makeup bag, carefully placing on mascara, eyeliner, and blush. She didn't want to go all out.

Running downstairs, Ellie leaped into the kitchen. Her mother was making eggs and bacon, and her father was looking at his phone. "Good morning!" Ellie said happily.

"Good morning, Ellie!" Her father said, setting his phone down onto the table.

*  *  *

Nearly an hour had past and Ellie finally arrived to school. She usually walked to school, anyway. The towering building looked golden as the morning light cast upon it. Looking down at the entrance of the school, Ellie noticed the Police tape blocking the entrance.

Other students were also surrounding the tape. Ellie could hear their muttering. "I've been here for an hour and they won't let me in!

"Does anyone know what happened?"

"I hear a couple was found dead in one of the bathrooms!"

"Pfft! If it was, I bet it was Danny Wilson and Monica Riley!"

Ellie looked nervously around, scowling. There was one week left of school, and she was supposed to have an exam today. She didn't want her freshmen year to end with being blocked away with police tape. She flipped her hair and sat down next to a flowerbed, and threw her bag down angrily. I don't have a phone, how am I supposed to call Mom to pick me up!? She thought, looking at the concrete road in front of the school.

An old car pulled up. It looked clean, and the black paint on it was polished and shiny. As the front doors of the vehicle opened, Ellie saw two men step out. They wore suits, and one of them was quite tall. The other was slightly shorter, but they both looked intimidating.

Ellie glared at the two. Maybe they knew something. Maybe they will let the students inside and out of the hot morning sun. Ellie stood up quickly. "Hey!" She called out. "You two, with the ugly car!"

They walked towards her, the shorter one looking dumbfounded at her remark about the car. They both towered over her. "We're FBI agents. Is there anything we can help you with?" The taller one said.

"Well," she looked back at the school. "I don't know if you can tell, but we're locked out! I have a math exam today and I'd rather not miss it, thank you very much! What're your names anyway? What are you even doing here?"

The short one raised his eyebrows and looked up at his taller partner wildly. "I'm Agent Dylan and this is Agent Lee." They held up badges. "We're here because two bodies were found here this morning." Agent Dylan said, his voice rough and croaky.

The taller one, Agent Lee, looked down at Ellie, seeing the look of horror on her face. "Don't worry, though." He said quickly. "We'll get it all under control."

Ellie, unconvinced, glanced at the black car again. There were two other men in the backseat, staring at the agents. One of them looked younger, and he had a patterned leather jacket that matched the color of his dirty blond hair. The other man had black hair, and he looked gruff. He sported a long trench coat. "Who are they?" She asked wearily, furrowing her brow.

Agent Dylan whipped his head back, and stared at the car. "Those are two other agents. They are going to be asking students questions."

The two agents walked past Ellie, strolling up to the police tape. She heard one of them mutter, "Alright, Sammy, let's destroy the bastard who did this." They moved the tape up so they could walk through to the other side.

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