01 | Not a pleasant meeting

Start from the beginning


"Watch your profanity"

Hyungwon snickered and scrambled out of the room full of devices.He rushed outside in the awful weather,scanning the area, hoping to find the shops without using his gadgets.His efforts came to a halt when he suddenly remembered that he moved in the city a week ago and he wasn't able to find the shops no matter how hard he tried.He was a new citizen in this huge city.He sighed and pulled out his phone.

"How do I get to those damn shops?" He muttered lazily, waiting for the monotone voice to enlighten him.

"Go straight ahead then turn right, then left, go straight ahead, turn right when you see the butchery then you will see a row of shops.Just look for them when you get there."

"Ok.Thank you"

"I just did my duty"

"Anyway, you'll have to help me decide"

"What for?"

"Clothes" Hyungwon chuckled

"I will do my best to bring out your natural beauty."

"I can count on you, right?"

"Certainly.Don't worry about trivial matters.You specially made me for this type of thing."

"Right.I forgot"

"Your brain is damaged.Forgetting is not a good thing"

"I am a human, not a machine" Hyungwon rolled his eyes and stopped where the device told him to.Indeed, a row of random shops invaded his sight, making him beyond confused.He eyed them for awhile,not being sure where he was supposed to look first.

"The shop is a few meters ahead."

Hyungwon nodded curtly and advanced towards the direction he was told.The huge supermarket came in sight and he released a relieved sigh, making his way in.Currently, his fridge was emptier than his heart.He needed to fill it back with some good food.

"The appropriate aliments you should buy are: fish, red meat,vegetables,natural juices, fresh bread, cheese,eggs and obviously some good quality noodles for a good home made ramen"

"I wanted some snacks.Chips, energy drinks, pizza.." Hyungwon muttered under his breath

"Those are not healthy for you.You are too skinny.Having good and healthy meals is the only way you can live a healthy life, therefore I do not approve of those toxic things"

"Fine..whatever you say"

He knew the computer was right.He often skipped meals and avoided sleeping which stressed him and eventually, he lost weight.

"Snap out of it.People are looking weirdly at you"

"I don't care about them." He spoke matter-of-factly

"Anyway, you should finish your errands and head home.The weather is about to get worse.It can be very dangerous"

"I'm almost done with the groceries.I still have to buy some clothes though"

"Your safety is my main concern.Just finish with the groceries for now"

"Ok" Hyungwon nodded and bought the last aliments he needed.

After he paid for them, he hurriedly exited the supermarket and headed back home, hoping that the bad weather will stay away from him.He shoved his cold hands in the pockets of his long cardigan and lowered his head, avoiding it from the furious wind.

"Look up.You're about to bump into someone"

Just as he was about to look up,he harshly bumped in the person in front of him,making him lose balance and fall on the cold pavement with a loud groan.Hyungwon cursed under his breath when he realised that the boy he bumped into spilled his hot coffee on his black shirt.

"Yah! Your damn coffee ruined my shirt!" He shouted angrily and caught a glimpse of the boy's face.

It was a short boy with soft-looking hair and pink lips that stared at him with guilt in his honey coloured eyes.He quickly stood up and bowed a few times, apologising.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going! Shit..your shirt is ruined now.I'm so sorry!"

His voice was smooth like velvet.It had a slight rasp to it, accompanied by an adorable lisp that could make any person coo.Hyungwon huffed and ruffled his hair in frustration.

"Forget it..just watch where you're going." He spoke sternly and bumped the boy's shoulder in the process.

Little did they knew..this wasn't going to be their last meeting

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