Chapter 2

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      Five hours later Kate opened the door to the storeroom. Tom and Lily blinked as daylight streamed in the door from the skylights over the main factory area. "It's morning. Lily, now what's that phone number for your sister?" she demanded waving her gun at poor Lily. Len watched from behind. She wrote the number down on a pad as Lily gave it to her. "If all goes to plan, you'll be free in a few hours. Just sit quietly in here and behave yourselves." She went out and banged the door behind her.

An hour later she and Len returned. "Lily's sister took the bait," Kate informed Jimmy. "I told her to get a million dollars together and I would ring back at two o'clock with delivery instructions, except we're going to catch them off guard. They're bound to call the police and have them there ready to record and trace our call. That's why we're going to call them an hour earlier at one o'clock. We'll tell them they've got thirty minutes to drop the money in a bag at that small park on the other side of the railway line. By ringing them an hour earlier than they expect, they'll be disorganised and we'll have a much better chance of making the pick-up without being followed."

"Well, Katie, it just might work," Jimmy said. "It better, or we're all going to jail."

"Of course it will work," Kate snapped, "Thanks to me in a few hours we're going to have a million dollars to divide up three ways. And don't call me Katie. It's Kate."

"All right, all right, don't get your knickers in a knot," Jimmy grinned.

Kate stalked off and leaned against a packing crate on the other side of the warehouse.

Jimmy turned to Len. "Len old buddy, I think a third of a million dollars isn't enough for all the risks we're taking. How about you and I settle for half a million each?"

"You mean we cut little Katie out?"

"Exactly. I'm sick of that bitch ordering us around. When it's time to divide the money up, I'll disarm her and give her the bad news." He smirked, "And we could have a some fun with that cute little body of hers before we ditch her. Ha ha! What's she gonna do, call the police?"

Len laughed. "She won't get the chance. I think we should get rid of her."

"Good idea. Will we be driving past any cliffs on our way out of Sydney? She could accidentally fall off one."

They both laughed and looked across the warehouse at Kate who was glaring at them." She couldn't hear what they were saying but she wasn't naïve. She knew exactly what they were planning, and she had her own plan.

Half an hour later Jimmy complained of being hungry. "I'm going out to get us some breakfast," he said to Len.

"Good idea," Len agreed. "Go to Maccas. There's one not too far down the main road towards the city."

"Hold it. I think I saw the outside door to the office just open. Didn't you lock it when you came back in?"

"No, Kate followed me in. She should have locked it."

"Get behind the crate," Jimmy urged. "I can see someone in the office. That's gotta be a cop. How did they find us?"
They ducked behind the crates and drew their guns.

"There's more of them coming in," Len growled and he fired off several shots into the office shattering the large glass window.

The figures in the office ducked down out of sight. Then a voice called out. "Drop your weapons and come out with your hands up. You can't get away. The building is surrounded."

Len fired several more shots into the office.

"We have the Hendersons," Jimmy yelled. "We'll kill them if you don't leave now." He looked around trying to see Kate, but there was no sign of her.

Then a noise from the back of the warehouse took their attention as four police officers entered through the rear door which they had just broken open.

"There's more of them," Len gasped and he started firing towards them.

Kate spotted the police as soon as they entered the building. She ducked out of sight behind some packing crates where Jimmy and Len couldn't see her. Then the shooting started. She drew her gun and cautiously peered out from behind the crate. She saw Jimmy slump to the floor, but Len continued shooting. Then a policeman in plain clothes suddenly ran directly towards her. She pointed her gun at him with the intention of yelling at him to drop his weapon, but his gun fired twice in her direction. She felt a searing pain below her ribs and she fell the floor. Then everything for Kate went black.

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