"Who are you?" Thomas asked confused, You looked over at Minho, "Did you catch it?" He mouthed. You nodded and opened my mouth slightly showing him. He put his hand over his mouth to stop himself laughing. You finished eating it to avoid choking.

"I'm the reason you're all still alive," he answered. You were starting to think he was a bit bigheaded. "And it's my intention to keep you that way. Now come with me we'll get you kids squared away," he started walking out the door expecting you to follow.

Apprehensively everyone started to follow, you walked at the back by Minho so you could talk without being heard.

"You can call me, Mr Janson," The now named Janson told us.

"He kind of looks like a Rat," Minho muttered.

 You sniggered hiding your face in your hands, "Ratman."

"I run this place. For us, it is a sanctuary. Safe from the horrors of the outside world. You all should think of it as a way-station, kind of a home between homes," he explained.

"Feels nice and homely," You continued to joke with Minho at the back of the line. Minho laughed quietly smiling at you.

"You know, I think we're going to get along Y/N." You nodded in agreement.

"That means your taking us home?" Thomas asked.

"A home of sorts," Ratman answered, "Sadly there wouldn't be anything left of where you came from but we do have a place for you. A refuge outside the Scorch where WiCKeD will never find you again. How does that sound?"

"Is that a rhetorical question?" You asked a little bit too loudly. Minho was nearly crying with laughter next to you. Ratman turned and gave you a look before continuing on.

"Why are you helping us?" Newt asked.

"Let's just say the world out there is in a rather vicarious situation and we're hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive virus makes you the best chance of humanities continued survival," he answered.

"What does he want us to do repopulate the earth?" You asked eyebrows raised.

"I dunno," Minho shrugged.

"Unfortunately it also makes you a target as no doubt by now you've noticed."

"No shit," for the second time, you said way too loudly and Ratman gave you another dirty look. You smiled innocently at him pretending you didn't say anything.

"Beyond this door is the beginning of your new lives," he pressed a button and opened the metal door behind him. "First things first. Let's do something about that smell."


Ten minutes later you were having a nice, hot shower. You and Teresa had been separated from the boys and had taken cubicles next to each other.

Something had been weighing you down since leaving the maze and you thought it was time you came clean.

"Hey Teresa," You called to her

"Yeah," she answered to your left.

"I'm sorry, for what I said and did back in the maze. I was angry and lost my temper. I'm sorry, you didn't deserve it." You hoped she would forgive you.

"Thank you for saying sorry it means a lot. I understand you were angry, I would've been as well. You were just looking for someone to blame and I get that I was the best person," she replied.

"But that doesn't give me a reason to pin it on you. I'm really sorry." You repeated trying to sound like you meant it. You did mean it you just struggled to get the words out sometimes.

"Apology accepted, let's start a clean slate," she offered.

"Sounds good to me," You answered, good old shower chats.

When you were finished you got dressed and waited for the doctor to come back. Getting bored of waiting Teresa asked if she could braid your hair. You nodded and sat in front of her.

"You have really nice hair," she complimented starting to plat your hair.

"Thank you," You answered, you loved the feeling of people playing with your hair. S/N used to do it when you needed calming down.

"So you and Minho?" She asked

"What about us?" You replied too quickly, she laughed and didn't answer. "No, tell!" You pushed her, smiling. She thought for a second before saying.

"The way he looks at you. He looks after you and you haven't known each other that long. From your first day you two have been almost inseparable, always laughing and joking together," she explained.

"Yeah, I guess so, but we're just friends," You assured her. 

"Right," she chuckled, "How did you meet?" It was your turn to chuckle.

"I was in the maze and saw Thomas and Minho. They basically through a passage next to me. Minho tried to stab me and now we friends," You said casually like all friendships start this way.

"Sounds normal," she laughed, "I think you would be a cute couple," she admitted.

"We'll see," You muttered. You didn't want to get caught up in that idea. You could be separated and never see each other again. Better to not risk catching feelings then being forced apart.

"Done," she said leading me to the mirror, you  looked at your reflection. 

"Wow," You breathed shocked, You were surprised, you looked kind of nice. 

"Beautiful," The doctor said from behind you making you both jump. "We have a few more tests we need to do before you can relax. If you would like to follow me."

You followed her out the room and along a corridor, this whole place was like a maze in itself. Could easily get lost down here. You lost track of the way and just followed Dr Crawford without trying to remember the way.

You noticed you were being followed by two guards. Did she think you were going to run away?

You followed her until you arrived in a lab looking room. A few beds were stationed around the room, scientists were busy doing there work. You spotted Thomas sat in a chair having some bloods taken, Newt was having an injection and looked nervously at the needle and Minho on a treadmill having his heart rate monitored.

All their heads looked up when we walked past them. You nodded to them, Thomas nodded, Newt rolled his eyes to the needle, making you laugh, and Minho looked at you a slight smile on his face.

You were lead to beds and curtains were pulled around you shielding you from the boys view and Teresa, who was in the bed next to you. A female doctor came round the curtain a second later with a tray and some rubber gloves.

"You're Y/N right?" She asked You nodded blankly. She smiled kindly, "Don't worry I'm just going to check your alright, you were in that maze for such a long time."

"Yeah," You nodded to her not really paying attention.

"You have lovely hair," she complimented.

"Thanks," You replied bluntly. You didn't trust this place.

She fiddled around giving you injections and taking blood samples from each arm. It wasn't until she stopped and looked at you did I realise the sound of the treadmill had stopped and the rest of the room was quiet.

"Now, I'm going to ask you a question now. Only a few have been offered this. Wicked took your memories from you. You're one of the lucky ones. Would you like me to remove the memory blocker which had made you forget your past?" She asked seriously.

You were shocked by her question, it was a big question to ask so suddenly."Y-you can do that?" You asked tentatively, she nodded.

You head was racing, you'd had enough pain in the maze did you want tour memories back and probably more painful things that you would remember. On one hand you could remember more about your life, parents, boys, S/N. Maybe if you had other siblings. On the other hand, you didn't trust this place and wondered if they'd plant fake ones. You didn't want to go through any more pain than you'd already been through. 

"Need an answer now," she pushed "What's it going to be?"....

I realised as I was written and proofreading this I'm reading all of the character lines in their voices😂You know what to do if you enjoyed L
Lotta love AFG

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