"Let's meet at the river, and this is a serious matter missy." Euna hung up before she could even say a word.

Suji looked at her phone before going to the bus stop.



She heard a voice and looked to her side.

"Euna!" She noticed the other girls were with her too.

"Why haven't you been answering our calls? It's been hours and hours we've been calling you. What's up with you today?"

"Something happened with Hansol-"

"Hansol? Who's Hansol? Your new boyfriend or something?" Jane joked.

Right they forgot.

She was so ready to tell them how chaotic today was. But.. they don't seem to remember.

Of course.. They didn't have anything to do with Hansol's death so of course they don't even know about him. Who can I even rant too?

"Ohh no.. Hansol is just a puppy I met along the alley, he needed a new home so I went to the pet shelter and cared for him for a while there." She made up an excuse.

Telling them would make them even more confused. They wouldn't really understand since it seems too fake.

"A puppy? Take me there tomorrow! I wanna see the puppy." Minju yelled with excitement in her voice.

"Uhh.. The pet shelter is far from here, It's quite a distance so I don't recommend going there, You'll be so exhausted."

"Awhh.." Minju pouted. "I'll find a way there somehow. Text me the address later!"

"To be honest I really thought Hansol was a person." Yujin exclaimed.

Suji took a deep breath before answering.

"I know right, it's a pretty unique name." Euna smiled.


They waved at eachother going their separate ways.

"Bye! Goodnight guys." Jane smiled.

Suji waved and only smiled a bit.

The thoughts about Hansol really overcame her.

Normally, in these dark nights, Hansol would walk her home and keep her protected. But that won't happen tonight.

But Suji had a great idea that came into her mind.

She remembered when Hansol brought her to the dance studio..

"I wonder if the boys are still there?" She whispered.

Suji quickened her pace and impatiently waited for the bus to arrive.

Maybe they might know where Hansol is?? Or they might know why he faded.. Right? She asked herself.

Once she reached the studio she opened the door and searched for them.

She heard a familiar voice from the hall and looked at each practice room, wanting to know if their in there.

Oh please be here... She kept on repeating that like a prayer.

Suji looked down at her watch. It was already 11:56.

Almost 12:00.

There's still a possibility they're here right? Even though it's so late??

Suji followed the sounds and stopped at a closed door.

It is now or never.

She knew she had to ask them even if they weren't here, no matter what she had to find out even if it'd take years or decades to find out what happened to Hansol.

She can't be left clueless.

Suji slowly opened the knob, like when she opened the door to the hospital room.

There, it showed the boys dancing and teasing each other.

Suji was relieved and went inside the practice room.

"Hey." She said.

The boys turned their head to Suji.

"Sujii!" Marco hummed.

"Welcome, welcome." Daewon waved.

"Where's Hansol?" Taeyong asked.

"Hansol..? That's why I'm here, to ask about him."

The boys stood still like statues.


sorry I couldn't post a chapter yesterday, cramps got the best of me and I wasn't able to do anything yesterday bkasklasm.

but.. THIS BOOK GOT 500+ VIEWS WHILE I WAS AWAY?? what the-

it was only a matter of days and this already happened, I'm shocked and so thankful.

thank you so much for the people who continue to read my chapters and for the people who vote for my stories. really. I'm so thankful!

Just, How? {Lee Suji & Ji Hansol FF}Where stories live. Discover now