Chapter 50 - The Fight

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Initially Simon had remained slightly hesitant, then after clenching his fists, he had flung himself at Negan hitting him with all the rage and strength he had in his body.

The skin stretched and compressed under the impact of the blows and the bodies writhed in agile movements to avoid the blows, the blood mixed with the sweat and the wrists hurt because of the violent blows.

Simon was holding on to Negan: he had imprisoned him under his weight by sitting on it so that he could not get up and could hit him freely in the face. The forces were slowly abandoning Negan, blow by blow, and it did not take long to realize that Simon would soon win.

Negan was not ready to lose, it never would have been, but now everything was being played.

At the strength of his strength he dropped his arms down his body and when Simon saw him like that, he prepared to give him the coup de grace, but not before he had whispered something in his ear.

<After I kill you, I'll go look for your bitch and kill her too> she smiled mockingly with all the malice she was capable of.

Negan's body was flooded with a rush of deadly adrenaline that gave him the strength to overturn the situation: with his clenched fist still wrapped in the black leather glove, he threw a right right into Simon's face, causing him to fall ruinously to the side.

<NO!> Shouted Negan in a rage over Simon.

<I will not let you do that son of a bitch!>He snarled, clasping his coarse, rough hands around his neck.

Simon's face grew redder, his veins had swollen to the skin and his eyes were out of their sockets. A few hisses of breath came out of his mouth.

<Look what you made me do jerk!> Shouted Negan before taking off his life with his own hands, then let go and breathing heavily, he got up painfully, staggering.

He put on his leather jacket, Lucille picked up and looked at Simon with a disgusted face.

<That this is an example to all you pathetic assholes who think you can fuck me like I was your bitch! I would not have wanted to do it but Simon forced me. It was my right-hand man... If I did this to him, imagine what I could do to you useless idiots if you gave me the chance to...>

Silence reigned supreme: the Saviors did not know whether to be more frightened by Negan's  return or by what he had just done.

<And now let's get a move: this place is shitty! You will do double work shifts to fix everything, you instead - he said pointing to the men - come with me: we must increase the security of the Sanctuary and fix things> the voice was firm and clear, Negan was determined to fix things quickly.

Then he left the living room in silence, wiping his blood-soaked face with the back of his hand, while he held Lucille as usual with the other.

Back in the room he had taken off his clothes and had them cleaned.

She used to do it once.

Then after dressing he had gone to his office with the others. He did not know what Kat was really hiding, if only her relationship with Rick or other.

They were already waiting for him and when he opened the door strongly, the silence fell.

<So, give me an extremely quick summary of what the fuck happened when I was not there, then you will explain to me for what fucking reason you did not come looking for me and we'll talk about what to do> Negan ordered putting Lucille on the table and sitting down to his usual place.

Nobody dared to speak.

<Dwight? Arat? Nobody? Did the cat eat your tongue?> The man laughed threateningly.

<Ehm... It was his idea... Simon's> Dwight swallowed and then moved on.

<He told us not to look for you because you would have come back alone...>

<He was sure that on your return you would punish him and he was angry with... You, for what you had done earlier to one of his> the woman added.

Negan nodded and smiled: he knew perfectly well that Simon had been angry with him for some time, but he also knew that he would not have had the guts to face him, until he had obviously been forced to do so.

<And of course since Simon told you that you did not have to look for me, you as good dogs have been quiet and you have obeyed... See, this is your problem: you are not willing to do the dirty work. That's why I am here. You stay there in silence, to suffer the worst injustices, without rebelling, because you would not have the balls to do anything...> then he paused.

<Just as I imagined> he added, smiling bitterly.

<Well, now we have to put this place back on its feet. I want you to immediately increase all your defenses: check the gates, the nets, the doors and the windows. Nobody enters and nobody leaves if I do not say it. Then we have to rearrange relations with the communities, because even if you have not talked about it I know perfectly what it could, in fact, what Simon certainly did. The first will be Alexandria... I have to go visit my old friend Rick> he said, stroking his pleased beard.

Then he got up and after giving the last orders, he went for a walk around the Sanctuary to check how it was put.

In the corridor he had crossed Sherry who, after seeing him, ran to meet him and hugged him.

<Negan you do not know how much we missed you... Simon forced us to do horrible things when you were not here> Sherry said before trying to kiss him, but he took her by the shoulder and pulled her away.

<You missed me so much that guess what? You are still alive> said scornfully <Now move, I have  things to do> and so saying passed her by, leaving her amazed: Sherry knew she had always been his favorite, and for this had a certain influence on him, but something had changed. He had become cold towards her, towards them.

Then Negan continued his tour of the Sanctuary alone, still exhausted and exhausted, but could not be weak now: he would rest afterwards, now he had to think about what he should do now that things had become complicated.

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