Chapter 19 - Playing With Fire

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He waited a few minutes and then headed for Kat's cell. He turned the key into the lock and opened it, trying not to make a noise. When Kat saw him she opened her red and swollen eyes with tears, he motioned her not to speak and helped her to get up. He made sure no one was nearby and then took her to his room.
Once arrived Negan closed the door and when he turned Kat pushed him back brutally causing him to hit the hardwood of the door <What the fuck are you doing Negan? Are you crazy? You punish me for something I did not do and you leave me in a dark cell alone for God only knows how much... I knew it, I knew I wouldn't have trusted you. I was stupid. Just when I began to think that maybe there was some good in you, you showed me the opposite> the fury of Kat mixed with tears came out without brakes. She was disappointed and embittered.

Negan had remained motionless listening to the girl's outburst.

<Finished?> He asked her with a superior air

<Finished? If I have finished? No Negan I did not fucking finish! I am really furious, hurt and disappointed. You men are all the same...>

<Okay okay enough now> he said taking her by the shoulders <Just talk, you already said too much. I needed an excuse to see you and I thought I'd come up with this plan, so now everyone will think you're in the cell while you can be hiding here in my room for a while>

Kat was shocked and confused. Her eyes were wide open in a mixture of amazement and rage.

<What? You are crazy. But really. How could you think such a thing? And do you also define it as a "plan"? You have serious problems Negan> Kat was beside herself and did not want to spend another second with that man.

<I'll return to the cell>. She did not think she could have said such a thing, but apparently her pride was much more powerful than her thought.

Negan was bitter: he thought seriously of having had a brilliant idea but apparently he had not taken into account that the fact of playing with people has its price. He felt stupid because he let himself be ridiculed by his feelings and now he was paying the consequences. Kat on the other hand was serving the same pain: she had trusted Negan too quickly and had only wanted to see the good that was in him, but had not seen its worst side yet.

Silence reigned supreme between the two and the anger was palpable. Kat went to sit on the bed and when Negan started to approach her, she glared at him. The man understood and went to sit on the couch.

Negan hated to feel helpless, he wanted to scream with all the breath he had in his body but he had created that situation himself and therefore could not do anything except favor the silence of Kat.

He stared at her with disappointed eyes and she did the same.

<I thought you were different. I thought it seriously>

<I thought so, too...>

Negan || En || The Walking DeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora