Chapter 33 - A Warm Welcome

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After accepting the offer, it was finally time for presentations. The man Kat had dealt with was the first to show up:

<I'm Rick, the leader of this community. Him with the crossbow is Daryl. Then there are Maggie, Michonne, Carl and other people you will meet as you get to know us>

<I'm Kat> the girl felt a little uncomfortable but she did not want to leave him to see that much.

<C'mon, let's take a tour of the place and if you want you can stop and eat with us tonight>

<I will think about it, thank you> actually she didn't have to think about it: the answer was yes. She would have stopped to eat with them because she imagined their food was worthy of the name.

They started the community tour and he showed Kat the various houses and how things worked there. The place was too good to be in the middle of an apocalypse and everything seemed extremely peaceful: there were even some children playing outside the houses.

Kat stared at two of them. A boy with long brown hair and a blond haired girl were happily playing in the garden. Rick approached Kat and explained that those were his children. Kat looked at him a little perplexed because he didn't really seem to be the kind of man that could have children.
They continued the tour until it was time for dinner and this time Kat accepted the invitation: it would have been an opportunity to get to know all those people and begin to seriously evaluate their proposal. They all sat down at the table and began to serve food.

<Mmhh this food is really delicious Carol!> Carl said, and the others nodded.

Then Rick took the word: <So Kat, tell us a little about yourself>.

She missed for a little to get the food she was eating stuck in her throat, looked around and saw that everyone was staring at her waiting for an answer.

<Come on, we don't bite> said a guy called Abraham laughing with pleasure.

<Yes, tell us something about you. We're all curious> Maggie added.

<Ehm, I really do not know what to say - and now what do I tell him? I do not want to go too specific because you never know, but they seem reliable... - first I was with my family, then after them I was with a group of friends but we were attacked and... Well you can imagine the rest...>

<Sorry Kat, really. We know what it means to lose loved ones> Rick answered.

The rest of the dinner continued nicely between anecdotes and jokes and everyone seemed to have entered rather in tune with Kat, who at first had shown herself closed but was slowly melting. Everyone except Daryl, he was suspicious enough.

Once the dinner was over they all left and only Rick and Carl remained, who wanted to take advantage of them to get to know the girl a little better. From what Kat had understood they were the ones who took care of security in Alexandria, so they had to make sure they did not bring dangerous people into the community.
After a few questions from Carl, whom Kat had tried to answer as vaguely as possible, Rick asked the boy to go and check out his sister Judith and then go to sleep. The boy obeyed without protest: he greeted Kat and left.

Only Rick and Kat were left. Rick got up from his armchair and went to sit on the couch next to Kat, causing the girl to stiffen slightly.

<Do not worry, I won't do anything to you> he said, raising his hands in surrender.

Kat blushed, feeling embarrassed thinking that her reaction would go unnoticed.

<Sorry. Is that...>

<You do not have to apologize for anything: it's me that I should have stayed in the armchair. I just wanted to try and make you feel more at ease, but I obviously couldn't do it> Rick said with a smile.

<You know, we're usually not so generous with the people knocking at our gate... But we've made an exception for you since you look like a good person. And then Daryl told me that the other day in the woods someone was looking for you>

<Yes, Daryl was looking for me, apparently, before trying to kill me> Kat said, laughing nervously.

Rick laughed: <Yes, Daryl is not very polite when he goes hunting... Indeed, he never is ahaha>

The two laughed blissfully as if they were old friends and the time passed quickly. After spending about an hour together, Rick asked Kat if she wanted to stop by them, even though she would have been under surveillance, but Kat declined the offer with a "will be for next time". Rick was satisfied with the answer and accompanied her to the gate.

<Here, take this torch to go home because it's dark. You will bring it back when you come back to visit us.
Ah Kat, just one thing: when you come to us, be careful not to let you be seen  if there are black vans parked out here... I would like you to meet Negan>

Kat's eyes widened and she didn't fall to the ground by luck, turning abruptly.

<Who?> she asked, amazed.

Rick noticed her reaction and became suspicious.

<Negan. But something tells me that you probably know him already...> he said trying to understand more.

<I have to go, thanks for the nice evening. See you> Kat replied hastily.

<See you soon> Rick said, making it sound more like a threat than a salute and then closed the gate.

Hello little hearts! ❤
So what do you think, Kat will be able to give it to drink to Rick about not knowing Negan, or will she keep this secret?
Leave stars and let me know what you think 😘

See you soon!

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