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Nikki's Pov
I just wanted to get out of this place I was in it's been days since I've heard anyone come in they have blinded folded me and moved me around a few times but that was mostly Rowen and Luke their so sweet they make sure I'm fed and comfortable they untied me but then Eve came in to chain me I guess it better then having my hands behind my back oh hopefully Luke and his brother find a way to get my out of here safe and sound I miss my munchkins I miss my house my family my sister who must be worried sick that isn't good for her pregnancy ! My girls I miss them our conversations before the show would start oh how I miss John my love my heart aches to be with you please stay strong for me and I'll stay strong for you I can't wait to be in your arms and have you kiss me and hug and just hear that you love me with all your heart ! Because I know I do I love you with all my heart !
John Pov
I don't know what to do anymore I'm loosing my mind I want Nicole to be here with me I want to hug her and kiss her the kids have been asking when she would be home and we keep telling them soon but we don't know if that's true or not ! Brie, and Nattie have stopped traveling with the WWE and so have I there is no way I'm going to work knowing my wife is missing never Stephanie and Hunter come by whenever they can and I appreciate it a lot but I want to be alone I want to run out and find her myself but Brie and Nattie insist I don't because that's probably exactly what they want for me to bust in on them save her but then they kill me and they wouldn't let that happen so I'm stuck in a house stuck with memories of the one I love and I have no idea where she is oh god help us find her I miss her like crazy and the kids want to see their mother or are you not helping us because your punishing me did I do something wrong oh just something to give me hope that she's okay and that she's being strong !
Brie walks into Johns room where he finds him sitting on the floor starting at a picture of Nicole !
Brie: John someone's here to see you I personally didn't want to let her in but she just let her self in
John: Who is it ?
Brie: It's Eve !
John: What the hell does she want ?
Brie: I don't know
John: Tell her I'm not in the mood to see anyone
Brie: Okay
She walks down to where Eve and Nattie are
Brie: John said he isn't in the mood to see anyone so leave
Eve: He said to leave ?
Brie: No but I am he's not in the mood to see anyone so there's no need for you to be here !
Eve: You can't tell me to leave it isn't your house !
Brie: But it's my sisters house and since she isn't here I have a right to kick you out now leave
Eve: This isn't your sisters house it's Johns
Nattie: Nope John had the house changed to her name so this house belongs to Nicole !
Eve: Why would he do that ?
Brie: Because he loves her and he wants somewhere for his kids to live
Eve: You know what John needs me I'm going up there
Before Brie can say anything she runs up stairs to find John
Eve: Hey John
John: Eve I said I don't want to see anyone leave me alone !
Eve: John let me be here for you !
John: No thanks Brie and Nattie are enough to get me through the day not to mention my kids the only thing that is keeping me sane and close to my wife
Eve: John I don't know what you must be feeling but it's been a month you don't think that maybe they....
John: You better not say they might have killed her !
Eve: They might have and you're going to have to move on with your life maybe date again and eventually re marry ?
John: If something did happen to Nicole I will never remarry or date or have any type of interaction with another woman in my life !
Eve: What are you saying ?
John: That if Nicole doesn't not return I will not be with another woman in my life I will be alone for the rest of my life ! I will die alone hoping to reconnect with her when I'm gone !
Eve: So you're saying you would never date me ?
John looked at her and started laughing in her face
Eve: What's so funny ?
John: Eve I don't like you I've never liked you I've tolerated you since I have to work with you but like you ? Haha never and to ask if I would take you when my wife isn't even dead yet ? How pathetic are you ? I wouldn't date you even if you were the last person on this earth even then if I was alone with you I'd probably kill myself then actually have to be with you haha omg
Eve: John your being a prick !
John: So are you now please get out of my house and don't very come back !
Eve: You don't mean that your just in a bad place !
John: I mean every word of what I just said now leave me the fuck alone
Brie comes in the room with Nattie not to far behind !
Brie: John Nikki's on the phone !!
John gets up and takes the phone from Brie !
John: Hello Nicole baby
Nikki: Oh John you don't know how much I've been wanting to hear your voice !
John: Oh baby how are you are you okay
Nikki: I'm okay they just let me call to make sure I was fine and still alive !
John: Who has you !
Nikki: I can't tell you but just know that I love you and I'll be out soon their helping me but don't say anything until your alone with Brie and Nattie only okay no one else !
John: Okay oh Nicole I love you so much !
Nikki: I love you too how are the kids do they know ?
John: No we told them that you were away on business and that you'll be home soon !
Nikki: Okay tell them I love them and that I miss them !!
John: I will
Nikki: I have to go the people who have me hear might be here soon and the guy who's helping me might get in trouble and I won't be able to escape !
John: Okay baby I love you !
Nikki: I love you too !
The line goes dead !! John hands the phone back to Brie !
Brie: What happened ?
John doesn't say anything he just turns to Eve
John: You need to leave now before I call the police and have them remove you from my home !
Eve didn't question it and just left John wait for her to be gone
Nattie: John tell us what happened !
John: She fine there's a guy who's going to try to help her escape soon!
Brie: Did she say who has her ?
John: No she didn't want to risk saying who it was and then the plans of her escaping going wrong !
Nattie: Oh god at least now we can be a little more relaxed and thank god she's okay !
Brie: Yes I can be more clam but I won't be completely calm until I know she's home ! But I'll be able to sleep better !
John: Oh I was just happy to hear her voice !
With Nikki and the brothers !
Nikki: Thank you for letting me call home
Luke: Don't mention it now when Eve come in I'm going to chain her too and when Bray come in Rowen will hit him in the back of the head and you'll be out free
Nikki: Okay then when I get home I'll call the police you guys will be safe because you helped me I will make sure you don't he jail time or fines of any kind because you helped me go free !
Rowen: Thanks Nikki !
Luke: Shh someone coming !

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