4 Year Anniversary

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Nikki's Pov
So I didn't get to watch Johns match because I was getting my little angels food which I'm sure John would understand as I'm walking back to gorilla I see Eve hugging John and congratulating him on his match when she pulled away I ran up to him and he catches me perfectly while I wrapped my legs around his waist and he kissed me
Nikki: I'm sorry I didn't get to watch your match
John: Why couldn't you ?
Nikki: I went to go change and get the kids food but while I was getting them food they watched you on the big screen !
John: As long as my kids are happy and my baby is happy I'm fine
Then Rosie and Nate ran up to them
As the USO brothers were walking back
Nate: Uncle Jon can you teach me one of your moves
Nikki: Careful I think my little Nate is going to leave you all out of a job
The Stephanie walks into the conversation
Stephanie: and Rosie here mine
Jon USO: Why you say that
Stephanie: She the one who put you guys and John together on the same team I was having a hard time she just came in and took over
Nikki: Now that's my girl
She said as she carried her and John picked up Nate
Jon: Oh well in that case Rosie is going to get a little treat from me and aunt Trinity !
Rosie: Is it food ?
Nikki: And that's how you know she's my child haha
Jon: Maybe you'll have to wait and see !
Nate: What about me are you going to teach me ?
Jon: Of course if someone is going to get handed down one of my moves it will be you !
Nate: Yay did you hear that daddy !
John: I sure did now I'm going to go get showered and changed so we can go get settled into the bus okay ?
Nate: Okay
Nikki: I'll meet you on the bus
John: Okay baby
He kisses her and they each go their way
Later on the bus
Nikki: Are the kids down ?
John: Yes finally !
Nikki: Good I wanted to talk to you
John: What is it did you change your mind about having 10 kids
Nikki: Haha no it's about Eve
John: I had a feeling this was coming what is it about her
Nikki: I don't want her around the kids I don't want her working with you I really don't want her near you
John: Nicole there is no other woman on the face of the earth that I could love but you
Nikki: I know that and I trust you it's her I don't like or trust
John: She just got back what could she have done
Nikki: Umm she called me a slut who slept her way to the top
John: What today ?
Nikki: Yes and in front of Nathaniel and Rosalie.
John: What why would she do that
Nikki: Because she's like that now I already told her that I wanted her far away from the kids and if you ever get asked to work with her I expect you to say no
John: Fine I'll talk to Stephanie
Nikki: Thank you John I just don't want those type of people around our kids
John: I know I don't either
He said as he hugged her and him taking the opportunity to see if Nicole would tell him the truth he started asking questions
John: So Nicole anything happened today anything new
Nikki: Yeah Randy and Jojo broke up !
John: Oh really ?
Nikki: Yeah and I know sometimes you don't like him but he's my friend and it hurt me to see him so sad I know and you know what it's like to be cheated on so not a good weekend for Randy
John: I could imagine
Nikki: 3 years with her and that's how she repays him
John: I know exactly how he feels
Nikki: She just lucky she isn't around her much !
John: Why ?
Nikki: I honestly would have gone off on her mostly because I know how it feels like to be in that situation and because he's my friend
John: Yeah I get you
Nikki: Hey don't you or any of the guys know a nice girl who is in need of a man haha
John: I honestly don't but I'll ask some of the guys
Nikki: Okay but wait a while I want him to have sometime to get over this then I'll try setting him up with someone I still have a few single friends haha
John: I love you
Nikki: I love you too
They kiss and start to make love
The next day there's a knock on the bus door
Nikki: John baby could you get that ?
John: Yes babe
John gets up to open the door
Nattie: Morning !
John: Hey Nattie, Nicole it's Nattie
She walks to the door
Nikki: Hey Nat ! What's up ?
Nattie: I want borrow Nate and Rosie because I was telling Stephanie that I taught Rosie the sharp shooter and she doesn't believe me
John: Haha it's fine with me
Nikki: I'm okay with it too come in let me just get them ready
Nattie: Okay
She heads to the back and Nattie and John start talking
Nattie: So John I've know you about as long Nicole has known you and I've never seen you this happy
John: Well what can I say she makes me feel so much joy and love you out of anyone should know how much trouble i was having trying to decide wether or not I should divorce Liz !
Nattie: I know you came to me and TJ
John: Yeah that was hard time in my life where I didn't know what to do ! And when I finally got divorced I felt more sad then Nicole walked into my life and in such a short time she made me feel the happiness I hadn't felt in so long
Nattie: I know I can see it in you eyes and you smile bigger now ever since you've been with Nikki there hasn't been a day where I've not seen you smiling and I'm happy for you
John: Thanks Nattie
Just then Nikki walks out with Nate and Rosie
Nattie: Hi my little monster you ready to show auntie Stephanie what you can do ?
They both say yes and they leave
Later that day after John and Nikki have a little fun of their own Brie calls Nikki
Nikki: Hey Brie what's up ?
Brie: Stephanie said that you and John have a segment to shoot and the director wants you to be dressed up I'm like a tux and he want you to be dressed in a white dress
Nikki: Do I own a white dress ?
Brie: Yes that one you bought but haven't worn cause you think it's too wedding type thing !
Nikki: Oh yeah he momma gets to wear a new dress
Brie: Haha I know now tell John and get to the arena they will be in the back where the practice ring is at
Nikki: Okay see you later bye
Brie: Bye
She hangs up the phone and goes to tell John and they start getting ready when Nikki is ready she come out to find John waiting for her and when he looks up at her he is just taken away
John: Wow you look amazing
Nikki: Aww thank you baby
John: You know what !
Nikki: What ?
John: I was going to wait to give this to you next week on our anniversary but now seems like good time because you just look stunning !
He pulls out this long diamond necklace with a heart filled with diamond
Nikki: Omg John that looks gorgeous ! And I have something for you too and I was going to wait as well but here
She pulls out a black box
John: A diamond Rolex !
Nikki: Yeah I saw it and I thought of you
John: I love you
Nikki: I love you to now come on were going to be late for the segment
John: Okay but one more thing
Nikki: Wha....
He then kissed her with a passion that left Nikki breathe less and speechless
Nikki: That's was Umm amazing !
John: I'll say !
They walk out of the bus and head into the arena where they see that no one is around
Nikki: They must be at the back room
They head to the back room when suddenly everyone yells out
John: Omg what's going on here ?
All the WWEDivas and superstars were there to celebrate John and Nikki's 4 Year Anniversary
Brie: Me Nattie, Eva Marie,Trinity,Ariane,Stephanie and they guys wanted to surprise you Happy Anniversary
Hunter: You look gorgeous Nicole John try to keep up huh !?
Everyone laughed and enjoyed a wonder mini party before Monday night Raw started
Nikki: I can't thank you guys enough this is amazing
John: I'm very thankful to have not only my own beautiful little family but also I'm every thankful to my WWE family who has been amazing not only to me and my wife but to my children as well thank you guys so much
Stephanie: That was beautiful John but we still have one more thing for you guys to do
Nikki: What is it ?
Stephanie: We have video from your wedding and we want you to have your first dance all over again !
John: I would love that !
He said as he held out his hand for Nikki and then
All of me by John Legend Started playing
They headed to the middle of everyone and started dancing and kissing almost exactly like their wedding video and Eve stood in the corner with so much envy she wanted to do something to make them stop something that would make everyone stop looking at John and Nikki but then Rosie and Nate ran up to them and John picked up Rosie and Nikki, Nate and they started dancing with their children and everyone just looked at them more when Hunter asked his wife Stephanie to dance and joined the couple on the dance floor and so did more couples
Later that night after Nikki changes into her ring gear she is just to the moon and back when she steps out of the locker room she sees Eve with her children and it make her angry so she walks up to them as fast as she can
Nikki: Babies where's daddy ?
Rosie: He's talking with auntie Stephanie
Nate: Mommy I'm hungry
Nikki: Okay come on let go get you food Rosie lets go
Rosie: I want to wait for daddy
Nikki: Rosalie Natalya Nicole Cena Garcia Colace you're coming with me
Rosie: Ok mommy
Eve: Bye mommy slut
Nikki got so angry but decided to keep walking because there was no one around to take her kids somewhere else just then John walks out of the office
John: Oh Nicole wait
He passes by Eve without saying hi which made her mad
Nikki: What's up babe
John: Guess who just called Stephanie ?
Nikki: Who ?
John: Oh just a Mr. Givenchy
Nikki: What did he want ?
John: He wants Rosalie and Nathaniel to model for his new kids collection !
Nikki: Omg that's amazing how did he see them ?
John: Someone showed them a picture of them modeling the kids line for WWE and he just thought they were the cutest things in the world so he got a hold of Stephanie
Nikki: Omg did you hear that princess you and your brother are going to be models
Nate: But I want to wrestler not model
John: Nate your too small to wrestle now how about you model and then in a few years you can wrestle
Nate: Okay fine
Nikki: I can't believe it
Eve: Congratulations John I see your gens are what carried into your children
John: I think it's all Nicole
Eve: Well we all have our opinion bye
She walks away and winks at John
He looks back at Nikki who looks livid
John: What did she do now
Nikki: She called me a slut again seconds before you walked out of the office
John: I'm sorry but you know I love you
Nikki: I love you too now I'm going to take Nate to get food you take Rosie ?
John: Yes come on princess let's go with your uncles
Rosie: Okay daddy
They each leave and after a long night of matches Nicole only walks out with Brie for her match and John wins his match
Six months later
No ones Pov
No one knew what would be coming just as they where at their happiest !


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