15 Time World Heavy Weight Champion ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
It's Sunday and today John will be competing for the WWE World Heavy Weight Champion and I will be defending my Championship as well I'm more worried about his than I am about mines ! But I have to put up a good front ! For him for my kids for myself ! I will walk out still a champion and he will walk out champion again I just know it
Okay Nicole it's time to go out there and be with your man !
She takes a deep breath and steps out of the bus
John: Did you find your bag ?
Nikki: Yeah it was all they way in the back and all I needed from there was my phone and I found it !
John: Okay come on let's go then !!
They walk into the arena hand in hand like the power couple they are give each other a kiss and head to get ready for the night
Nikki walks into the locker room and sees someone she hasn't seen in a long time
Nikki: Aj ?
Aj: Hey Nikki
Nikki: Hey yourself what are you doing here ?
Aj: It was time for me to come back and take back what's mine !
Nikki: Haha you mean my title ?
AJ: You can say that !
Nikki: Well good luck I've retained it for a long time I won't let it go so easily
AJ: Haha I see I have a good fight ahead of me
She walks over to Nikki and hugs her
Nikki: It's good to have you back
AJ: It feel last good to be back now if you'll excuse me I must go see what I can do to help tonight I'm pretty sure I won't have a title match for a while
Nikki: Well Stephanie isn't here yet just to let you know
AJ: Oh okay well I'm going to go see some of the crew like Sandra and everyone else
Nikki: Okay have fun welcome back
AJ: Thanks
She leaves the room
Nikki: Okay now I'm worried !
She said to her self
She went in to the showers and did her nomad routine after she was done she blow dried her hair and changed into her sweats and headed to hair and make up
Makeup: What will be doing today Nicole ?
Nikki: Just my normal make up enough to see enough to smear haha I'm wearing my pink gear and after my match do you think you will be. available I have to come back and get ready to walk out with John !
Makeup: Okay Nicole I think I will be you just sit back and relax !
Nikki: Thank you !
After thirty minutes of sitting and having her eyes closed
Makeup: Okay Nikki open !
Nikki: Omg I swear every time you do my make up I'm blown away I love it thank you so much !!!
Makeup: Welcome now sit in this chair for your hair
Nikki: Okay I pre- straighten it a little so not to much heat please !
Makeup: Of course come one shall I do the usual ?
Nikki: Yeah a little bit more bouncier tho if you can please I want my hair to bounce with me ! Haha
Makeup: Of course haha
After another 20 minutes
Makeup: Okay Nikki you're done and ready to go !!
Nikki: Thank you so much !!! I don't know what I would do without you !
Makeup: No problem now you're match is second right ?
Nikki: Yes !
Makeup: Okay I'll make sure I have no one with me during that !
Nikki: Okay
Makeup: And just to make sure I won't have anyone in hair just to give you a touch up
Nikki: Okay thanks !
Makeup: One more thing !!
Nikki: What is it ?
Makeup: What will you be wearing walking out with John ?
Nikki: Oh it's a short black tight dress it's strapless but over it I had a shirt of his made into a dress that's cut out in the middle so I guess it's a cardigan haha and it will be of course green ! With my sparkly high heels !
Makeup: Awesome so I know how I will do your make up for when you walk out with him
Nikki: Okay thanks I'll come straight to you before changing !
Makeup: Okay now go get ready !!
Nikki runs back into the locker room and gets ready and walks to gorilla seeing that John is already waiting for her wearing his usual stuff but he was wearing his pink shirt in support of her !
John: You look amazing !
Nikki: Thanks babe
John: How are you feeling ?
Nikki: Good but really nervous !!
John: It will be okay babe I know you'll win
Nikki smiles at him and they watch as Money in the bank start
The first match was so intense it kept going back in fourth and then the USOs finally won which meant Nikki was next !
John: Breathe Nicole you will do amazing like always !!
Nikki: Okay
He turns her towards him and he kisses her forehead !
Nikki: Thanks babe !
John: Anytime Mrs. Cena
She smiled huge and that have her the confidence and courage to go out
This divas match is scheduled for one fall approaching the ring now accompanied by her Husband John Cena
Nikki Bella !!!!
Then Naomi walks out
John kisses Nikki again and steps out of the ring ! And heads to the commentary table
Jerry: John always glad to see you and have you with us
John: Thank you Jerry I've missed you buddy !
Jerry: Oh you don't know how much we have all missed you !
Michael: Yes how are you John how you feeling today ?
John: Great amazing happy to be with my family my kids my wife I see she only got more beautiful the time I was gone
Jerry: She sure did John you're one lucky man !
Michael: So how do you feel about your match tonight you may get to t to be a 15 time WWE World Heavy Weight Champion !
John: I feel good happy excited and very confident now enough about me my wife is in that ring right now I want to focus on her
Jerry: And how can you not not only is she gorgeous ! But look at that athleticism
John: Well she's an amazing athlete who had also trained for years now with me so whatever you see in that ring in away is like seeing me
Jerry: I couldn't agree more John
In the match look at that right there
She's going in for the Bella face buster
Naomi slams the mat hard this might my it for Naomi oh wait Nikki isn't done
John: I think she's going in for the Rack Attack !
Nikki does just that she drops to her knees and goes in for the pin
And your winner and still
Divas Champion
Nikki Bellla !!!!!
Michael: Congratulations Nikki Bella and to you John as well for your wife's victory !
John: Thank you
He shakes their hands and walks into the ring to celebrate with Nikki she runs up to him and he catches her kissing her and she then walks to grab a mic
Nikki: The only reason I won tonight was because you were right here with me I love you baby she said dropping the mic and kissing him again
The crowd cheers for them and they head back stage
John: I'm so proud of you baby !!
Nikki: Thank you now you go get ready for your match ! I'm going to go get changed !
John: Okay I love you !
Stephanie walks up to them before they leave
Stephanie: Great job Nikki now Nicole when you walk out with John walk out with your belt okay me and Hunter will be out there to observe the match as well and you know we'll get into it with you !
Nikki: Sounds great have to go !
She runs off to get ready for his match !!
After 20 minutes in make up them 10 for touch ups she goes to get ready and runs back in time for her segment with Brie and then has just enough time to be with John who is waiting by gorilla with the rest of the guys for the match which will start in 10 minutes
Nikki runs up to him with her belt in one hand and shoes in another and is out of breathe
Nikki: Okay .... I'm here ... Did ... I .. Miss anything ?
John: No maybe just your breathe here have some water
Nikki: Oh thanks baby I'm sorry but I just got done with hair and make up and my segment with Brie and got here just in time to walk you out ! With my my belt with me ! May I add
John: I know and I couldn't be happier !
He kisses her forehead !
Sheamus: Well Mrs. Cena congratulations on retaining your title
Nikki: Thank you ! Sheamus !
Randy: Yeah maybe after I win tonight you can leave with the winner their should be two champions out here tonight
Nikki: Oh trust me I will walk out with the winner I will walk out with my husband John Cena who after tonight will be the 15 time WWE World Heavy Weight Champion I will get in that ring give him the kiss of his life and we will walk out to where my kids and his family will be go congratulate him and well me and I'll go home and cuddle up to the champ because you know what
she said pointing at John
Nikki: Bye now I think you should oil yourself a little more my baby's beating will hurt you less that way
He walks away
John: You're so sexy when you're mad !
Nikki: Thank you ! Now can you hold my belt after that match I don't have much energy to carry anything heavy haha
John: Of course but after my match and when I win I will carry you and kiss you because I want that kiss you were speaking off !
Nikki: Here's a preview she said and tip toed and kisses him just then one of the photographers took a picture and immodest ally posited it to twitter
@Bellatwins Nikki Cena giving her husband a @JohnCena a good luck kiss before his match at #MITB
Producer: Okay gentlemen and Nikki
She laughs
It's show time
Each man goes out one by one and them the last to walk out is John he hands Nikki her belt and they walk out the crowd goes wild seeing the happy couple walk out to the ring John helped Nikki up first then he jumped in doing his usual routine greeting the crowd and taking off his short while Nikki famed her self signaling to everyone she thought her man was hot he then throws both his hat and shirt into the crowd then took off his dog take kissed it handed it to Nikki which she also kisses it and then she kissed to wish him luck and stepped out of the ring so the match could start
Jerry: Happy to see the beautiful Mrs. Cena out here with us may I say you make a beautiful champion tonight
Nikki: Not only can you say it but you can repeat it haha no I'm kidding thank you so much but I honestly did it not only for me but for my family and John gave me that encouragement to do my best ! And my best was exactly what I did and I retained my title now if John wins which I'm confident he will ! We will both walk out as champions !
Jerry: Well like you know Nicole I'm always on Johns side
Nikki: Of course I do you're also someone who's had Johns back from the start !
Jerry: Of course
Michael: Well someone we haven't welcome is Stephanie and Triple H out here
Stephanie: Were not here to talk just observe Randy Orton take that title
Nikki: Haha that's funny I think you mean my husband John Cena
Triple H: No we mean Randy Orton the face of our company !
Nikki: Haha really okay when my husband climbs the ladder an take the title make sure you're little puppet isn't too hurt
Stephanie: You can't be saying Randy is our puppet !
Nikki: I am his your stupid little puppet as to where my husband defy a you now can you please be quiet I want to see when my husband wins !
She turns her eyes back on the match and sees John down
Michael: It is not looking good for John Nicole
Nikki: Shhh don't day negative things ! Come on baby you can do this
He smiles at her and gets back into the match after everyone was out of the ring including John Nikki couldn't sit anymore she was standing up looking over at John who was not getting up and she noticed as a bloody Randy was climbing the ladder when out of no where John got up and did his AA on Kane and then got Randy and did the same over Kanes body and John quickly climbed the ladder and took the title
Michael: John Cena ! John Cena Is the 15 Time WWE World Heavy Weight Champion Nikki jumps up in excitement and grabs her title and walks into the ring drops her title on the floor and jumps on John giving him the kiss she promise
They then pick up their titles and hold them up in the air as the crowd went crazy !!!

I wrote this in honor of my hero the most amazing wrestler in WWE history John Cena in my eyes of course some of you may think differently and that's okay to me this is how Money In The Bank should have been both Nikki and John walking out of that ring and arena as champions but soon enough that will happen ! Anyways keep reading !!
Have a Nice day or Night where ever you are in the world haha
Beseos 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

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