Welcome Home ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
After being in the air for hours we were finally home and even tho John couldn't talk I started to explain everything to John starting with baby Vince !
Nikki: John you understand me right ?
John nods yes
Nikki: Okay so a week after you left and I was excited to see you I got sick well I thought I was sick because I couldn't eat and I felt dizzy when I didn't have a match one night I went to the doctor and he told me I was pregnant
John looks at Nikki in shock
Nikki: I know and that same day I found out about your boat and how everyone thought you were dead I was destroyed and i didn't know what to do I also had to address your death one night and that's the same night I announced my pregnancy I was so sad !
John looked down !
Nikki: I had the baby and I named him Vince you know why ?
He looked at her in a question face !
Nikki: Because Vince McMahon was the man who gave you your start and was one of the few people who looked at you and said I believe in you kid remember how you told me that ?
He nodded !
Nikki: That's why named him Vincent John Jr Cena Garcia-Colace do you like it
John nodded yes and kissed her hands
Nikki: He's two now ! And he sees you all the time I make sure of it the kids have missed you and so have I !
He kissed her
Nikki: Now I have to tell you something else promise me you won't be mad ?
He nodded yes
Nikki: Last year Randy asked me out and everyone kept telling me I deserved to rebuild my life and be happy so I said yes and we dated for a year
She looked up at John and he was looking down with his eyes closed so Nicole pulled his face up to her and he opens his eyes
Nikki: Last month we got married I don't know why but he asked me and I just said yes and from the moment I was walking into the court house I knew I was making a mistake because I realized that I have never stopped loving you
He held her hands !
Nikki: We got married at the court house and after that we went on the road for a whole month I didn't sleep with him and we came home to San Diego
He looked at her confused !
Nikki: Oh yeah after having baby Vince I moved San Diego because coming back here kept breaking my heart and Brie didn't want to keep seeing me like that so we moved to San Diego but me and the kids always came back here for your birthday and Father's Day sometimes Christmas and New Years
He nodded like saying ok I get it
Nikki: So we got home to San Diego and I got the call from doctor Ross and I went practically running to you
He looked a her with tears in his eyes
Nikki: John when I thought you were dead I was in a horrible place I was broken I felt like a piece of me had died and now you're not your here with me holding me I love you so much I hope that you don't hate me for getting married again and being with Randy
John Pov
I couldn't hate her she thought I was dead hearing I have a son I didn't know about and he's two my love and my kids have been through a lot these last two years and I hated that because of me they went through so much pain I love her so much and I'm glad I'm back with her ! I will never leave her again
He hugged her and started kissing her soon enough John was kissing Nikki's jaw line and her neck finding her sweet spot and Nikki letting out a moan he then picked her up and Nikki wrapped her legs around his waist and John carried her to the bed where they spent the night making love ! ❤️
Next morning
Nikki's Pov
I had woken up thinking yesterday and last night were a dream but when I turned around and felt Johns arms around me I knew it wasn't a dream my man his here with me. Last night was incredible I have felt that much happiness love and pleasure in so long I was back on cloud 9 where I belonged with my love and my kids which by the look of time Nattie would be dropping them off any minute now so I slowly got out of bed and showered and put on a dress and made my way back to John who slowly started to wake up and smile at me
Nikki: Good Morning my love ❤️
He smiled and kissed her
Nikki: You need to go get ready Nattie should be dropping of the kids soon I'm so excited for you to meet Vincent
He nodded in a way saying me too and got up and showered while he did that she went downstairs and looked to see that she had nothing in her fridge being that she hasn't been in this house for months she decided to call Brie
Brie: Hello
Nikki: Hey Brie !
Brie: Hi Nicole how's John
Nikki: Amazing I don't even have words to explain how amazing this is I mean I'm back on cloud 9
Brie: Where you belong have the kids seen him yet ?
Nikki: No Nattie is bringing them by in a little while and I came down stairs to make breakfast but there's is like absolutely nothing in my fridge
Brie: Well yeah you haven't been there in months
Nikki: I know I was thinking maybe we could go out for breakfast but I want the kids to spend time with John and for him to get to know Vincent
Brie: If you want me and Bryan can go over and I'll bring you some stuff to make breakfast ?
Nikki: Oh really Brianna ?
Brie: Yes and we kinda want to spend time with John too you're not the only one who missed him you know
Nikki: I know great then just call me when you're at the gate and I'll open the gate
Brie: Okay see you in a bit love you
Nikki: Love you more bye
They hang up
Nikki decides to call Nattie too
Nattie: Hello
Nikki: Hey Nattie
Nattie: Hey Nicole how John
Nikki: He's good he's showering right now and I'm excited for the kids to see him and for Vincent to get to me his father !
Nattie: Well when we told them that John was alive the cried their little eyes out and said they couldn't wait to see him and well Vincent was a little confused but it's okay he's only two
Nikki: Yeah so what time do you think you'll be here
Nattie: Like in an hour
Nikki: Great !
Nattie: Hey by the way all the superstars and divas are really excited and happy that he was found alive and they all said they would be coming over tonight to see him so party at your house
Nikki: I don't want to share him yet !
But okay it's fine you can all come over to see him !
Nattie: Yay !!!
Nikki: Make it black tie though !
Nattie: Okay I'll get the word out
Nikki: Oh wait !
Nattie: What ?
Nikki: All my nice dresses are in San Diego ! You know what no it's fine I'll just go shopping with Brie when she gets here
Nattie: You sure we can reschedule ?
Nikki: No it's fine it's been two years since people have seen John ! I think rescheduling will make people mad haha
Nattie: Okay see you in a bit then
Nikki: Okay Nattie
They hand up and Nikki heads up stairs and sees John laying down on the bed
Nikki: Hey you
He smiles at her gets up and walks towards her !
Nikki: So the kids will be here I'm an hour Brie and Bryan too and guess what ?
He looked at her asking what ?
Nikki: All the divas and superstars were happy when we gave them the news that you were alive and they are excited to see you ! So they are all coming over here tonight !
He smiled and kissed her
Nikki: It's black tie so I get to see you in a tux again !
He smirked and kissed her again
20 minutes later the bell rang
Nikki: That must be Brie come down when your ready
He nodded and Nikki went to door
Nikki: Hey Brie hey Bryan
They both say hey !
Brie: How is he
Nikki: Good he's up stairs I told him to come down when he was ready
Bryan: Okay I'll be in the living room if you girls need me
Brie: Okay
Nikki and Brie walk into the kitchen
Brie looks at Nicole and starts laughing
Nikki: What's so funny ?
Brie: Haha it's looks like you and John wasted no time ?
Nikki: Huh ? What are you talking about ?
She walks over to Nikki and removes the hair from her neck
Brie: I'm talking about that
She pointed to a hickie on Nikki's neck
Nikki: Oh shoot I didn't see that haha
Well what can I say oh wait I know exactly what I can say two years Brianna TWO YEARS !
Brie: Hey I'm not saying anything bad
Nikki: Anyways I need a caterer a dress and I'm not sure what else
Brie: Why ?
Nikki: The other day when I was with John Stephanie called before Raw and told everyone so they are all coming here tonight to see him
Brie: Nice
Nikki: Yeah so it's a black tie thing because I want to see John in a suit but after I said black tie I realized that all my nice dresses are in San Diego
Brie: Oh so we go shopping ?
Nikki: If you don't mind coming with me ?
Brie: Of course not
Nikki: Should I get waiters ?
Brie: Yeah just for like 3 hours
Nikki: Okay so here let's make a list of the things we need
Brie: Okay I'll write it
Nikki: I have these heels I could wear so I'm fine on shoes um can we get a make up person here ?
Brie: Okay
-Make up artist
Nikki: My nails are still done from a last week and it's beige so it's fine
Brie: Is that it ?
Nikki: I need to get a moving company to get my stuff out of the house in San Diego and here ?
Brie: Okay well mom can go and bring some people to get everything packed and then here I actually got a company for you already
Nikki: Thanks Brianna here let's call mom
They call
Kathy: Hi girls what's up
Nikki: Hey mom you think you and JJ and some other people could come to the house in San Diego and pack up all my things and then a moving company will get them from there to here in Florida
Kathy: Sure I think me and JJ and his girlfriend and your cousin could get it done !
Nikki: Thanks mom um Randy is scheduled to be on the road again tomorrow and won't be back until 3 weeks later so if you can please start tomorrow ?
Kathy: Okay we will how's John honey ?
Nikki: He's amazing mom words can describe how happy I am to have him back !
Kathy: I bet okay we'll get to work
Nikki: Okay mom I'm going to deposit some money into your account for boxes and tape and stuff like that
Kathy: Okay sweetie the day before were all done I'll call you so you can call the moving people
Nikki: Okay thanks mom I love you !
Kathy: I love you girls too give John a hugs hug for me ? Nanna and me and JJ will be there next week
Nikki: Okay mom bye
Brie: Bye mom
Kathy: Bye girls
They hang up
Brie: Are you going to tell Randy ?
Nikki: Yeah after he's on the road and far from the house !
Brie: Good thinking okay so breakfast is done
Nikki: I'm going to check if John is down here yet
She walks into the living room and see that John is with Bryan and Bryan is telling him how Nikki has been divas champion for a long time now lost it a few times but won it back again
Bryan: Hey Nicole
Nikki: Hey
She sits on his lap and he kisses her
Nikki: Breakfast is ready but I don't know if we should wait for the kids or eat first ?
John looked at him signaling that he's hungry
Nikki: Okay come on let's go eat
They walk to the dinning room and while Brie and Bryan are in the kitchen alone
Bryan: Have you noticed ?
Brie: What ?
Bryan: Well it would take some people a while to adjust to the fact that someone can't talk and try to understand the person and what they need but Nicole seems to know exactly what John wants and needs !
Brie: Wow I didn't notice I'll pay more attention !
They walk back to the dinning room
Nikki: Bryan do you have a suit with you ?
Bryan: I do
Nikki: Okay tonight black tie party !
Bryan: For ?
Nikki: Superstars and divas are coming to see John
Bryan: Okay
They spent time talking and laughing Nicole never taking her eyes off of John and John not taking his eyes of Nicole and John talking in signals and his hands !
Then the bell rang
Nikki: That much be Nattie and the kids
She walks to the door and see Nattie and TJ with TJ kids
She opens the door and they come running in
Rosalie: Where's daddy
John comes out from the dinning room and both Nathaniel and Rosalie go running to John and hug him and they start crying
Nattie: Omg I'm going to cry
Brie: Me too
Bryan: Looks like Nikki and John are already crying so why can't we
Bryan said with tears coming down his cheeks
TJ: Here you go Nicole
She hands her Vincent
Nikki: Thank you !
She walks over to John
Nikki: John this is Vincent our baby boy and Vince this is your daddy !
Vince: Dadda
Nikki: Omg yes baby daddy !
Everyone is in tears watching Nikki and John and their kids hug each other !
A few hours later at the store shopping
Nikki: I'm so happy I was able to find a last minute cater
Nattie: And all they asked you was to but the drinks
Nikki: I know
Brie: Okay come on Nicole come out I want to see that dress on you
She walks out in a long red dress with sparkles
Nattie: Omg Nikki that's is the one it's amazing !!!
Nikki: You think so ?
Brie: Yes you should defiantly get this dress
Nikki: Okay so Brie it's your turn
Brie: Me ?
Nikki: Yes you have been so helpful today and these past two years I want to buy you a dress for tonight's party !
Brie: Really ?
Nikki: Yes you deserve to look just as amazing as me and Nattie and the other girls so come on pick a dress and get to trying you too Nattie
They both say okay and get to trying on dresses then the head to the store and buy drinks from vodka to wine to normal waters and sodas
Later that night
The girls getting their hair and make up done while they guys are getting ready
Nikki: Can you cover this up ?
Girl: Um I'll try haha
Nikki: Haha if you can't make sure my hair cover it
Girl: Okay
Nattie: Cover what up ?
Brie: The huge hickie on Nicole's neck
Nattie: Omg wait let me see
Brie: Haha they didn't waste anytime
Girl: Looks like you and your boyfriend were busy last night
Nikki: It's husband and enough about it let's try to cover it I don't want people seeing it haha
Girl: Okay let's see what I can do
After 30 minutes of working on Nikki she goes to Nattie and Brie but the make up girl couldn't cover up the hickie
Nikki: Okay well I hope my hair can hide it well enough for people not to notice !
Nattie: Let me see stand over there
Nikki walks away from Nattie
Brie: I can't see it
Nattie: Neither can I just try to hide it when people are close
Nikki: Okay I'm going to go put on my dress
She walks away
Brie: You can so see it from far away !
Nattie: Haha I know but don't tell her that
Brie: Come on let's get our dresses on
They all get ready and when Nikki is ready she walks down the stairs where John just so happened to be waiting for her at the foot of the steps !
Nikki: How dod I look
John: Breathe taking
He managed to choke out
Nikki: Omg John you said that without any trouble
He smiled as she ran down to hug him
Nikki: If doctor Ross was here he would be proud of you
He smiled again and kissed her then Brie and Nattie come down laughing
Nattie: I think you too had enough last night haha
Brie: Yes save it for later you two people should be here any minute now
Nikki: Oh you two ! Um John can you make sure the kids are ready and make them come down Vince is sleeping so he's fine right now
He nods and heads up stairs
Nikki: Okay I'm going to walk around and see if everything is in place and everyone too you two can stay here and open the door when people start arriving
They say okay and Nikki walks away
As she makes sure everything is okay she decides to drink a glass of champagne
Then she hears people start to come in and soon the room is full with people but John is up stairs watching baby Vince sleep
Nikki: Okay everyone I'm going to go get John
She walks up
Hunter: I think that when we see him coming down the stairs we should play his entrance theme !
Brie: That's a good idea does anyone have it I'll put it on
Stephanie: Here I do
Brie: Okay Nattie when you see Nikki and John coming give me a signal and I'll push play
Nattie: Okay
Nikki: John come on everyone wants to see you
John looks at her with love in his eyes and signals for her to come to him and hugs her and looks at Vince the baby he's only getting to know but already loves John looks down at her and kisses her
Nikki: Ready to go down stairs ?
He nods yes
As they walk down stairs Nattie give Brie the signal and his music hits
And when Nicole heard it and John was almost in tears
Your time is up my time is now you can't see me it's the franchise boy I'm shining now you can't see me my time is now
As he walks into the room everyone is clapping and looking at him in amazement and one by one came up to hug him after a while Nicole is going to make a speech !
Nikki: Well I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for being here today once again for me and my kids my family you guys don't know how happy I am there aren't words to describe how amazing I feel to have my husband back the father of my kids my best friend the love of my life
She turns back to him
You guys all saw me when we heard about his death you all saw how I was I was in a bad place but I pulled through for my children and the baby I was going to have and for two years I tried to put his memory to peace in my heart but I couldn't as you all know I was with Randy for a while but I never loved him as much as I love you John and whenever I was sad I would sneak into Rosalie's room in her closet in our house in San Diego where I had our wedding picture the same one you see when you enter the house I would sit in there and remember all those beautiful memories and it would make me happy for a while and when I got that call that said there's a man who you might possibly know because he keeps saying your name my heart told me that it was you but my brain said you might be crazy and that's when I decided to ask Stephanie where you were headed when you had to go on the trip and when she told me I knew I had to be there and I basically went running to you and when I saw that it was you in that hospital my heart felt complete again I felt like me again I always had this feeling that you were out there but I just assumed that it was something that I wanted more than it being true I guess what I'm really trying to say is I love you and I always will baby
He smiles at her and pulls her in for a kiss and just when everyone is clapping one if the waiters comes in with a note
Waiter: This was left at the door for you
Nikki: Who is it from
Waiter: I don't know I couldn't see the mans face he just said to give it to the lady of the house
Nikki: Thank you
She opens the note and when she reads it she is shocked and drops her glass of champagne and when it drops and breaks all eyes are on them and John reads it too and holds on to her
Brie and the girls and the guys walk up to them
Brie: What's wrong
Nikki's in tears hands her the note
They all read it
Brie: Omg !!


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