Dead Or Alive ? ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
So about two month ago I was at the graveyard talking to John and when I got up and left I didn't notice that I left my phone there and this nice man came to me and returned it we got to talking and him and me are now friends he's been helping me deal with Johns death and he's been really helpful there's days where I just want to cry and scream but instead he helps me handle my grief and anger he's been through this longer than I have his wife died two years ago and he's know what position I'm in he thankfully doesn't have any children which made it a little easier on him but he try's to help me when it comes to Rosalie and Nate and the kids have met him once too he sees that it's tough on them to but he says only time will heal it and I guess I have no choice but to believe him
At the arena
Brie: I wonder who that man is I've never seen him before
Nattie: Neither have I and I've never heard her talk about him
Rosie: What man ?
Brie: No one sweetie hey Rosie does your mom have more friends then us ?
Rosie: You mean like Maxwell ?
Nattie: Who's Maxwell ?
Rosie: It's this man she met at the graveyard he lost his wife 2 years ago and he helps mommy a lot
Nattie: What so you mean he helps your mom a lot
Rosie: There's times where mommy is about to cry and she calls him and they talk on the phone and she smiles again
Nikki overheating the conversation
Nikki: Rosalie why don't you go find your brother
Rosie: Okay mommy
Brie: Nicole who's Maxwell
Nikki: There was this one day where I went to go see John and when I got up I dropped my cell phone and I didn't notice but he was passing by and he saw it and since I was the only one he saw around he asked me if it was mine and I said yes and we just got to talking and we became friends I was actually with him last night we want to get something to eat
Brie: Well I'm happy your taking to someone who gets it
Nikki: Yeah me too and he's kind of bringing back my smile
Nattie: How ?
Nikki: Well even tho I have you guys he makes me feel like I'm not alone you know like he knows exactly what I'm feeling he's been in my place he's been I'm my position he's been where I am now
Nattie: Is he making you happy in any other way ?
Nikki: If you mean romantically no I will never be able to love again
Brie: Don't say that Nicole you still so young !
Nikki: I don't care I will never love another man as much I love John
Nattie: Were not saying you don't love him Nikki were just saying that you can love someone else when the time is right
Nikki: No I won't ! So let's leave it at that I'm going to go find my kids and watch the rest if the matches
Brie:Okay Nicole well see you soon
Nikki: Ok oh hey Brie I have a segment to do so can you watch Rosie and Nate while I'm doing it?
Brie: Of course I will
Nikki: Thanks sis I love you
Brie: I love you too and I'm glad to hear to say it again
Nikki: I say it just mostly to my babies and to John of course
Brie: I know go get ready !
Nikki: Okay
She walks away
Brie: She hurting I can feel it
Nattie: I don't know what more we can do
Brie: I want to meet this Maxwell
Nattie: Why ?
Brie: I want to see what his intentions with my sister are I know she says he's helping but I want to meet him
After Nicole's segment she feels tired and asks Brie to walk her to her bus
Brie: Are you okay Nicole ?
Nikki: Yeah just kind of tired
Brie: Have you been taking your vitamins
Nikki: Yes I have
Brie: Good are you hungry do you want something got eat ?
Nikki: I've been craving chicken salad
Brie: I'll bring it from catering
Nikki: Thanks Brie
She leaves and comes back with her food
Brie: I got you some deserts too
Nikki: Thanks
Brie: Hey why don't you bring Maxwell to one of the shows one of these days
Nikki: I was thinking about it
Brie: If you do I would love to meet him why don't you being him when were back in Florida
Nikki: I will pass me my phone I'm going to txt him
Brie: Okay um hey have you thought about any names ?
Nikki: No I kind of been avoiding that part
Brie: I figured as much
Nikki: I want to name him John if he's a boy but I figured that would be too painful for me but I don't know I've been trying not to think about it until I know what the baby is but still me and John named the twins so I don't
Brie: No I understand
Just then the Stephanie knocks on the bus door
Nikki: Come in
She walks on
Brie: Hi Stephanie what brings you here
Stephanie: Well I just wanted to pass down something my father gave to me I'm sure he would love for you to have it
Nikki: What is it ?
Stephanie: When I was pregnant with my first child he gave me this baby book of names
Brie: Aww that's so cute
Nikki: You're dad gave it to you ?
Stephanie: Yes
Then it hit hurt the perfect name to honor John and the man who have him his start
Nikki: I know what I want to name my baby if it's a boy !
Brie: What ?
Nikki: Vincent after your dad
Stephanie: Really ?
Nikki: Yea Vince was on of the very few people who believed in him he was the one who looked at John and said I believe in you and in what your capable of doing I want to name my baby Vince !
Stephanie: Oh Nicole that mean a lot to me and my dad would love that
Nikki: I know John would too
They hug and Nikki starts to cry
Brie: Nikki what's wrong
Nikki: I'm fine I just really wish he was here you know I'll be fine well I'm trying to be fine !
Over in a German hospital
Doctor: This man is trying to move but he can't we don't know what to so were thinking it all in his head because he's perfectly fine physically he's strong and he's eating the only thing is he can't seem to move or talk I wonder who he is his family must miss him like crazy
Johns Pov
I can't believe it's already march I miss my babies I miss Nicole I want to hug her and hold her why can't I move ! Why can't I talk I'm getting really frustrated !


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