Love Much Love

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Nikki's Pov
I finally found Nate and Rosie they were in my closet playing dress up with my clothes and Johns clothes
Nikki: Omg kids I thought you were in the back !
Rosie: We got bored and came inside I'm sorry
Nikki: It's okay just please go down stairs and watch T.V or something !
They say okay and walk down stairs and Nikki follows
John: Oh thank god where were they ?
Nikki: I'm my closet I'm calling the police
Brie: Good idea
John:While you do that I'll check the surveillance stuff see if I see anything !
Nikki: Okay
She picks up the phone and dials it
911: What's the emergency ?
Nikki: A box was delivered to my house with pictures of me and my family taken from earlier this week with my husbands face crossed out and what looks like blood all over them
911: Is anyone hurt or is anyone missing ?
Nikki: No thankfully
911: Okay no one is allowed to leave the house I will send an officer over he will be there soon !
Nikki: Thank you !
John: Nicole Brianna can you come in here real quick !
They go to John
Nikki: What is it
John: The cameras show the car that brought your boxes and you see how the car passes by the drive way to get out ?
Nikki: Yeah
John: When the car starts to speed off this box falls like if it was on top and no one noticed
Brie: Omg who put it there though ?
John: I don't know !
There's a knock on the door
Nikki: That must be the officer
She goes to the door and see the officer
Nikki: Hi officer thanks for coming
Officer: No problem M'am what seems to be the problem
She explains everything to him and how Brie brought in the box and the threat letter two weeks back
Officer: Okay so we will have a cop here all through the night
Nikki: Okay tomorrow we head on the road for about a month
Officer: The road ?
Nikki: Yeah me and my Husband are WWE wrestlers and we travel a lot
Officers: oh okay well twice a day we will monitor the house and let you know if we see something
John: Thank you officer
The shake hands and he leaves
Brie: Well at least someone will be watching the house tonight !
Nikki: Yeah makes me feel calm
John: Brianna will you be staying with us tonight ?
Brie: Let me call Bryan and see if he's coming home or headed to the next city
She callas and goes back to John and Nikki
Brie: Well he's heading to the next city so I'll stay here tonight
Nikki: Yay want me to go with you to get your stuff ?
Brie: Actually I have them in the car already I wanted to have everything ready so in the morning I can just take off
John: Well you know you're more than welcomed to leave with us on the private jet and the bus
Brie: I'll take you guys up on that
Rosie: Auntie Brie are you sleeping over ?
Nikki: Yes she is
Rosie&Nate: Yay
Nate: Can we sleep with you auntie Brie ?
Brie: Of course you can !!!
They go running up stairs
Nikki: Kids where are you going ?
Rosie: To get ready for bed
John: But you haven't even eaten dinner
Nate: Oh when's dinner ?
Nikki: In a couple minutes go wash your hands
John: What will be having ?
Nikki: Pork chops and chicken salad
Brie: Yummy
Nikki: Now you two go was your hands !
John: Fine !
Brie: You're suck a mom !
Nikki: Thank you now go she said slapping Brie butt
Brie: Ow
They go up and Nikki starts serving
When they all come down they eat and enjoy dinner
Rosie: That's was yummy mommy thank you !
Nikki: No problem sweetie now you and your brother take your plates to the sink and then you could start getting ready for bed
Nate: Okay
Nikki: And before bed I want to see you suit cases to see if you guys have everything you need that goes for you Nathaniel
Nate: Omg mom one time !
Brie: What happened
Nikki: Okay so we were on our way to Ohio for Monday night raw and I look to see if they have everything and Nate has his bag full of toys and no clothes !
John: Haha that's funny
Nikki: There I was for an hour trying to get his things ready haha
Nate: I said I was sorry
Nikki: I know sweetie so go and make sure you have more clothes and shoes then toys !
He nods and goes do get his stuff ready
Nikki: I need to pack but I don't know what I should bring !
Brie: Clothes ?
Nikki: I know but should I bring more dresses than anything or pants ? Oh and I have to get rid of my maternity clothes I have them in boxes down in the garage
John: When we get back we will give them to good will
Brie: Or you can give them to me ?
Nikki: Why would you need them fo .....
She thinks for a minute
OMG NO !!! She said in happiness
Brie: Yup !!! Same happiness
Nikki: OMG BRIE !!!! She gets up and hugs her sister !!
John: I don't understand ? He said looking confused !
Nikki: Omg she says slapping her hand up to her face
Brie: John I'm pregnant !
John: Omg no way ! Congratulations Brie ! He gets up and hugs her
Brie: Thank you I found out this morning I'm 2 weeks and I haven't told Bryan yet
Nikki: Omg he's going to be so happy we have to call mom and Nanna !
Brie: I want to tell Bryan first I only told you because you would save me the trouble of having to buy maternity clothes
Nikki: Okay and yeah you can have all of it come with me !
John: I'm going to go help the kids with their suit cases you two have fun !
They smile and head to the garage
Brie: Why are we in here ?
Nikki: I want to give you the clothes for one month just in case you need them
Brie: Oh okay thanks sis
Nikki: I'm so happy you're pregnant my kids will finally have cousins !
Brie: I know I was so happy when I found out I cried
Nikki: Omg being pregnant is amazing well except the throwing up and not feeling good all the time but omg Brianna you can eat whatever you want I loved that part !
Brie: I can't wait !
Nikki: I hope you have twins !
Brie: Me too I can't wait to tell Bryan !
Nikki: Can I be there I want to record his face !
Brie: Of course !
Nikki: Yay !!! I can't wait to watch you get big and have a belly
Brie: Omg Nicole I love you !
Nikki: I love you too Brie !
They hug and keep looking through the clothes
Later that night John and Nikki in their room
John: I can't believe Bries pregnant
Nikki: I know my kids will finally have cousins from my side of the family !!
John: And cousins they will get to see more then my side of the family
Nikki: True I'm so happy were going to be there when Brie tells Bryan because I want to record his reaction and then uploaded it to twitter and Instagram so we can let everyone know
John: You're excited aren't you ?
Nikki: Yes I can't wait to be an aunt to my sister baby ! She been an aunt for 6-7 years now ?
John: Sound about right
Nikki: I hope the other girls start having babies too !
John: Why ?
Nikki: Less people to fight for my title haha
John: I love how you protect that title with your life
Nikki: Well I'm just like you I love being out there and I am the longest raining divas champion in history who has had kids and and come back again !
John: I love how dedicated you are !
Nikki: I love you more though
John: That's impossible !
Nikki: Why ?
John: Because I love you more
Nikki: No I do !
John: No I do !
Nikki: No !
John: Yes !
Nikki: How about a tie ?
John: Can I kiss you then if I say it's a tie ?
Nikki: You may do more than just kiss me but yes !
John: Than it's a tie
He said grabbing Nicole from the waist pulling her closer to him then getting on top of her where the made love for throughout the night ! 💘



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