Maple Sherbet and Makeup

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Belinda's POV

I strolled into Ell's house and took off my shoes, strolling over to the couch where Tamara was playing her Bass. I smiled softly and listened to it. She was a good player, you could almost fall asleep listening to it. I sat on one of the chairs and smiled, listening to her play, I didn't realize I was staring until she stopped.

"Uh. Bel? You okay?" She asked, a little weirded out. I shot up, blush running over my cheeks.

"Oh yeah! Sorry, didn't notice I was staring..." I blushed, embarrassed. She laughed a bit and ruffled my hair, putting her bass down. "All good, your were cute doing that anyway." She winked either flirtatiously or jokingly; I couldn't tell. She motioned for me to come sit with her, and I did; sitting next to her in my pastel orange hoodie, nice and warm before she turned on the tv to watch a show called "The Children." We both idiotically laughed at it for a good hour before Matilda came down in a purple summer dress.

"Someone go on a walk with me!" She said happily. I stood up and giggled. "Sure I'll come." I said. I gave Tam a playful kiss on the cheek before Matilda dragged me up to her room.

"Okay so! We are gonna do a cute photoshoot. Pick out any dress and I'll do your makeup!" She said, giving me a whole rack of dresses to chose from. I decided to choose a pastel green colour of dress, it was a cute off the shoulder knee high dress, something you would wear when going out. She gave me some pastel pink heels and a head band, sitting me down and she doing my makeup, pink lips, and some mascara; nothing too elaborate.

Once she was done she did the most Matilda thing you could imagine; grabbed a mirror and a camera and dragged me to some photo aesthetic place to have an photo shoot. In this case; it was a park. Whilst we were there and taking photos however; a group of guys walked up to us, one of them looking at Matilda and I very flirtatiously.

"Hey are you ladies from space?" The guy asked, running a hand through his brown hair, his tan skin looked warm in the sunlight. Matilda and I looked at each other before looking to him.

"No; we're from England." We both said, raising an eyebrow at the guy. This causes the other four to laugh before he started to talk again.

"Cause you're both out of this world- wait." He paused when he realized what we said and he sighed in defeat.

"Looks like someone finally can make Lance's pickup lines make him look like an idiot." A larger guy with a orange bandana wrapped around his head spoke grinning. Before another man stopped him, this one had black hair and a red jacket on.

"Hunk; Lance doesn't need someone else to make him look stupid." He said before turning to me and sticking his hand out. "My name is Keith, it's a pleasure to meet you..." he trailed off before I gave him a smile.

"Belinda, but my friends call me Bel." I spoke before this so called 'Lance' butted in; "Is that why you're so beautiful~?" He purred, I looked to him, with a
-_- face. "No it's because it's the first three letters of my name." I spoke; causing the others to laugh again. I looked to Keith "It is a pleasure to meet you." I smiled and shook his hand.

Time passed as we all talked. I met the others; Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro. They all seemed quite nice. Lance and Matilda were talking; well he was trying to flirt with her while she was checking herself out. I found out Pidge was a girl, and I got her number (score).

They said something about being in a intergalactic war; and somehow controlled robot lions. To me it just sounded like some 80's-90's Cartoons like Transformers and stuff like that; I didn't question it though.

We had all gone around walking together and came across a sherbet stand, me being the sherbet fanatic I am; I bought one for everyone and Pidge and I bonded over some maple flavoured sherbet, it was yummy; and Maple Sherbet became Pidge's contact name in my phone; due to the colour of her hair and the food we were eating.
Their Princess arrived soon after and met Matilda and I. She seemed suspicious of us for some reason, but no one addressed it; we simply continued to talk. Of course, until we realized we spent our entire day talking to one another. Before any of us knew, it was 9pm and the sun had gone down. We all bid each other goodbye and Pidge told me that it was her job to keep the Galaxy safe; and that it was the only reason she was handing out with everyone else; as a joke. It was evident that everyone on that team cared for each other no matter what. It was great.

Then Matilda and I got home.

That was not great.

Tori was drunk, Tamara was also drunk, Ell was in her room; terrified of the two; and Ellana was just about to knock on their door. I sighed, saying hi to Ellana and rushing in with Mattie to calm Tori and Tamara down from wanting to fuck each other. They seemed to be nicer to each other when they were drunk; it was nice. Then again, I didn't want to hear these two having loud sex when I was trying to sleep. After separating them I bid Ell and Matilda goodnight and went home to my place, which was just next door.

I walked calmly into my room before yawning and laying down gently, texting Pidge about science stuff before falling asleep.


Yes I added a little bit of Voltron in here, I'm on season three and quickly finishing the other seasons before season 7 comes out on like the tenth. Either way; yes. I love Pidge with all my heart; I also just wanted to get some love in here for the show cause it's beautiful.

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