"Fragile Sanity" || Chapter 19

Start from the beginning


The air was getting thicker, increasing when I opened my mouth. "What do you want Debra?" I spoke in a monotone voice, taking a deep breathe. The whispers in my head getting louder.


"Michael Myers slut is here everybody, what do you have to say for yourself!?" Debra faked her happiness with a snarl. A few people turned to me, some interested and some glaring at Debra or me. I didn't look at her and just kept looking on the counter. Tightened the fists, the stinging feeling grew tighter and blood dripped off my skin a little bit. I bite my teeth together with a hissing snarl, my eyes turning red with bloodlust.


"You don't know me..." I whispered with a poisonous glare, Nancy tried to touch my shoulder in a gentle way but I flinched slightly. Debra stepped forward with a offended look, Carol stopped her quickly with a pleading stare.

"Debra don-"

"Oh Carol..." Debra said in a fake passive tone, gently pushing away the thick curly haired women with large glasses and looked at all of the people in the room. I pursed my lips tightly, remaining in my seat.

"We both know she'll just let more people die. Because she would let the most infamous killer catch up to her so she can screw him." Debra arrogantly pestered.


"Like Annie and Lynda..." She started, I got out of my seat and walked nearby the exit. My fists still curled, but trying to remain as calm as I can. Annie and Lynda laid out in Tommy Doyles parents room came to mind. I flinched.


"Or Maddie..." Debra commented codly. Maddie lifeless wide eyes staring back at me in the library, banged into my head repeatedly.


"Or Susan..." She giggled in a menacing way. I proceeded to walk forward to the exit. Ignore her, ignore her, ignore her. Just ignore her.


"Or maybe even John or Jamie..." The violin string snapped at those haunting words that Debra uttered out.

I stopped into my tracks, turning around with my eyes widened with my eyes turning dangerously red with my mouth agape. The room stopped at her words, the tense air growing thicker around me and the other people there, all of their eyes wide and unsure. Nancy and Carol let out huge gasp when I charged at Debra with a roar. Grabbed her neck tightly and slamming her against the bar with a loud thud. Debra coughed, gasping for air as she looked straight into my eyes, her eyes winded at what she saw. The were empty dull but they were wide open with a teeth clenched together and were glaring down at the terrified women below me.


The voices of Michael's past victims encouraged me, ringing in my head to do it. And I listened to them like a puppet on strings. The presence of Michael Myers, no the boogeyman lingered in the room. With a growl I tigented her neck tighter, her face turned purple and Debra's coughing went wildly. Debra was crying at this point and was begging me to let go but I didn't listen to her pleas, rage consumed me. My nails were digging into her skin tightly with bleeding marks on the side of her neck. I felt nothing inside of me, no remorse, no guilt, no sympathy. In fact my whole soul was telling me to continue, my birth-mark giving out a pleasurable feeling like it was praising me for a job well done. But yet empty tears rolled down my pale features and fell down on Debra's face, which was turning white. She was losing strength, and her eyelids getting fainter.




"(Y/n)...?" Johns echoed kind encouraging words snapped me awake in a split second, I looked down with a gasp seeing the poor women in agony. I let go of her neck quickly, my whole body shaking along with heavy breaths. Debra coughed the air into her, breathing hard. I looked down into my hands, my eyes winded at what I saw. They were not my petite femiane hands, they were manly, slightly burned and bruised hands with a blue jumpsuit on and that were covered in blood. My eyes were dull and my body limped with faint breaths that were getting heavier and erratic. Everybody in the room was frozen including me. I clenched my chest tightly, the feeling of dying was the only thing I thought. I couldn't breathe, my heart was pounding in a uncomfortable fast pace. Stop staring at me... Stop staring at me... Don't stare at me...

вrιde oғ тнe вoogeyмan (Yandere! Michael Myers x Reader) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now