"Looks like it." Shiro spoke, speeding up in his lion toward the dark, damaged, abandoned planet.

"Does anyone else have these weird vibes? I don't think this place is safe." Hunk started to ramble after that.

"Of course it is Hunk, why do you think it's abandoned?" Pidge spoke, everyone knowing they rolled their eyes.

"Does anyone else feel sad just looking at this place?" Lance asked.

"Let's just get down there and complete this mission." I almost barked.

"Right." Shiro cleared his throat.


The lions landed with a thud, probably vibrating the ground of what was near them.
The planet had no sign of light or life. All of it was rubble and torn down. The wind, blowing little of what was left.

"Ok, now I feel the vibes Hunk was talking about." Lance said, nervously.

"I know right!" Hunk yelled out, arms waving around in the air.

"How long had this place been abandoned?" Pidge turned to Shiro.

"Coran said about 5 years, but I didn't think it would look this bad." Shiro started out.

Instead of talking, I scanned the area, there maybe no life, but that doesn't mean we are alone.

"Ok, can we just hurry up, this is sad to look at." Lance walked forward.

"Wait.." I spoke, still scanning the area.

"What is it?" Shiro turned.

"Nothing, just Keith trying to scare us." Lance rolled his eyes and continued to walk.

Within the corner of my eye, a shadow figure moved from rock to rock, seeming to try and creep up in front of Lance.
My eyes widen, as I took action. Things to turn slow for me, the figure slowly getting up, hun in hand. Galra... it seemed as no one could react fast enough. I jumped out, arm reaching out to Lance as my other arm held my bayard.
Lance looked as if he couldn't react either. Frozen in shock that he didn't see this coming. Hunk had the right to feel the way he did, it was our fault that we didn't see it.
The galra figure pulled the trigger, a blasting bullet heading toward Lance that a powerful speed, he other Paladins, finally having time to take action. They charged toward the figure, but being ambushed. You would think this was Allura and Coran's fault, but I don't blame them. I doubt they checked the planet before sending us here. Everything finally went at its normal pace (for me at least). My body collided with Lance's, my weight knocking him to the ground.
The bullet missed us by an inch and I can tell the galra figure was pretty pissed. Bullets fired everywhere and us paladins scattered to find cover until we regain ourselves.
The people on this planet didn't leave because the planet couldn't provide for them. They left because the galra made them or captured them. It was always the galra.

(I feel like I'm just adding more to the story and making it boring.)

"Lance, are you ok?" I leaned in the rock we sat behind.

"Yeah, thanks..."

"It was a trap..."

"Yeah... I'm sorry for doubting you." He smiled slightly.

"It's alright." I smile back.

Something about his smile made it seem like everything was fine. That we weren't in the middle of an ambush, fighting for our lives.

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