Stupid Bullet Holes

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Sorry it took so long to make an upload I had a writers' block and didn't know what scenario they should be in so It took a while plus not having wifi for a week also added to the time. I went on vacation a week ago and is now going on another vacation but I'm probably gonna have wifi this time so...yeah. I'll be busy on vacation so hopefully, I can publish on a chapter for you guys. Thanks for the encouragement and I hope you like it!


Slowly I woke into consciousness and breathed out a sigh of relief as I didn't smell the cold metal and antiseptics of the School. That place sucked like hell and I was glad I was outta there. But where was I? I slowly opened my eyes and as my senses turned on I heard voices next to me. They were whispering quietly in the corner of the room. The room was small and gray, with seats and seatbelts. Why are those in a room? I wondered to myself. As I realized what it meant the room lurched sideways and I fell off the chairs that I was laying on quite comfortably. I groaned in pain from the bullet wound and all my other, many injuries but the sound was covered by the chopping of the helicopter. 

Jean gasped in horror and rushed over to me while the flock in the seatbelts quickly unclipped and kneeled over next to me. They started to non-too gently pick me up which caused a whole bunch of pain. They obviously didn't realize I was awake and for some reason for a couple seconds, I couldn't move any part of my body so I couldn't tell them that they're making it hurt more than the actual freakin' wound.

Jean pushed the flock away from my limp body that was slowly being un-paralyzed and said, "guys, don't touch her because it will make the wound worse and we got to get to our safe house to clean her up". Wait, what safe house? I thought to myself. Who made this decision? I definitely didn't cause I wouldn't choose these weird people to take care of me and make me follow their rules. Suddenly, I felt like I was floating. No floor was touching my back and I didn't feel anyone's hand on me lifting me up. I panicked for a moment and started thrashing with my un-paralyzed arms and legs. 

Slowly I was lowered upright on one of the seats and came face to face with Mrs. Sugarface again. She looked concerned and a little bit surprised. 

"What", I snarled at her, " surprised to see me still alive?". A burst of laughter came from Logan 3 seats next to me. Jean whipped her head around and glared at him. His laughter quickly died down and was replaced by a trying really hard serious face. Mrs. Sugarface turned back towards me and smiled. Surprisingly, it was still genuine because usually after 1 minute of me in a room with an adult they dislike me. This lady though kept a smile in my direction with no pain in her face or no fake smile. I give credit to her. 

"No Max, that's not the reason. I was just surprised that you're awake right now since you got shot only a little more than an hour ago. But now that you're awake, it will be easier to see how bad the damage is since all I've done to it is bandage it", Jean said, still smiling.  

The helicopter lurched again and I tilted to one side. I still had so many questions I wanted to be answered but the one that I wanted answering most was where the hell are we going and who said that it was ok.

 I spoke those questions to Mrs. Sugar and she smiled and said, "well, Max, we are going to a safe place for mutants and people with powers that is also a school called Charles Xavier's School for Gifted", she explained to me, "and your friends all agreed to go with us to help you recover, ok?".

I shot my flock a glare, but they all shot a glare back. That momentarily caught me off guard. What do they think they're doing? I huffed and sank in my seat, wincing at the bullet wound in my side. "When we get to School, we'll check that out ok?" Jean said. I slowly nodded. This is going to be a long ride. 

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