Party with the gang

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Hey guyz .... im so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for not updating for so long the 9th grade gives me headaches ... so yeah thank you guyz also for reading my story in means a lot to me for having 407 reaads .... 

Luv u guyz ... T^T :3

Alex POv

I'ts been a year since me and Ben are in arelationship so I decided to  make a aniversary party haha yeah thats awsome right ? 

one morning sally went up to my bed 

"wake up alex! you promised."

sigh yeah i promised that i'll take her for her first hunt 

"o-okay .. okay.. *yawn*"

i cheecked my clock it was still 5 in the morningg ... geeze how excited is this kid anyway .. xD

I got up and put on my black hoodie then put on some shoes we went down stairs quietly so that slendy is not going to wake up he'll kill me if took sally for a hunt he said she aint still "ready" for it pffft... please she's alread y 9 going to 10 how can she not be ready for this. i opened the front door quietly then sudenly i heard a faamilliar chuckle. just as i thaught who it was

"Jeff what are you doing here ?"

"oh nothing i just came back from a early hunt"

"tsss... what ever"

"and where are you and sally going ?"

"i'm taking her for her first hunt."

he laughed

"you do know that slendy is going to kill yo afterwards right ?"

i sighed "i know that, just be quiet for once or else i am going to kill you"

"alright ..alright.. does Ben know about this?"

"No.. dont tell him either.."

he rolled his non blinking eyes at me 

"whatever kid"

phew glad my secret is safe with him ... if he tells slendy i'm doomed and im going to kill him.

we walked going to the city and were lucky to find someone's window is open. 

we barged in quietly and we saw a teen age girl bout 14 years old. i handed sally a knife and she went closer to the girl sleeping..

"play with me?" sally whispered in her ear.

"w-wha?" the girl sudenly wake up.

she gasped in fear "who are ou and how did you get in here ?!" she said

sally covered her mouth then she looked at me and smiled like a crazy person .. yep she's lost it  ... she lost her sanity.. then she looked back at the girl who's crying in fear.

sally smirked one more time then she slit her throat blood came pouring down her throat as if it was a fountain.

i grabbed her imediately cuz i heard foot steps comming in the room. i carried sally then dashed out the window then ran back home.

Lucky slendy was not yet awake exept for one thing ... sally and i went inside the house quietly then sudenly ...

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