Final Chapter ..

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Hey guys ! I'm so sorry but I need to end this   . Cause I got no more Ideas about this ... :( so yeah ^_^ hope you read my other storries.. . Anyways have a beautiful summer !! :)
P.s. Ronnie Radke @ the side ;)


Alex's Pov

"Jeff what are you doing ?" I asked annoyed by what is he doing.

"What ? I'm just piercing my tounge."
"Well stop it ! It's annoying."

I was about to say something but suddenly the door came open. My eyes widden as I saw the person standing infront the door.

"Liu ?? .. where have you been .?? It"s been so long." Jeff said .

"Uhh ... yeah about that." Then he scrattch the back of his head awkwardly.

He sighed. "I've been on a mission." He said as looked down on the floor.

"Oh." I said. Few seconds latter Slendy came in.

"Do you guys want to go to my brothers house and use his pool ? It's freaking hot." Slendy said.

"Did you say pool ? Hell yeah !!" I said excitedly.

"You comming Liu ?" I asked.

He looked at me then smilled.

"Sure !" he said.

Oh yeah .. 

I went upstairs to tell the big news.

"Guys wake up were going to go to a pool !!!" I screamed as everybody opened their doors and peeped through their doors with sleepy eyes.

"The pool ?" Ben asked sleepy.

"YES !" I screamed excitedly.
Then everyone went inside their rooms to prepare.

I went inside  my room too. I've got to be ready then packed my things.

Liu's Pov

It's been so long since I didn't came home. I stayed most of the time in outside the mansion and go wander off .. I didn't know what came to me.

Jeff tapped my shoulder, I flinched a little.
"Dude are you okay ?"
"Yeah I'm fine." I said then walked outside going deep in the woods. I need to get out of here as fast as posible before I could get anyone hurt.

(Time skip)

-at the pool-

Alex pov
Cool Nina's here ..

"Hey Nina !"
"Hey long time no see !!" She said then we hugged.

We partied the whole day. Played water games until it was night time. Something snapped.

I went to Jeff "hey have you seen Liu?"

"Hmm.. no I haven't maybe he just went for a walk."

I shrugged then walk away.

I wonder where is he..

Night came.......we all slept peacefully.


Morning came and we soon pack our stuff back.

Then headed home to my surprise my window was opened.

I headed upstairs as I saw my room was a mess. It had blood stains on the wall, wallpapers and poster's were ripped. Oh my how could anybody do this ... this is horible . Even my pillows and bedsheets were ripped.
I screamed when i noticed grinny was missing too.

Creepypasta romance (harem) :pWhere stories live. Discover now