Chapter 5: Attacked by zalgo's army

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Alex Pov

After spending time with ben the whole day I felt kinda sleepy so i went to my room. as i enter my room my window was opened. i closed it then sudenly i can see a figure that is white and it's so thin like you can almost see bones and it has long sharp teeth and has long nails almost like claws. and the eyes are much creepy. It's all black then blood are comming out.

i fell of the ground then started to get my knife in the drawer im leaning on.

it was too fast in moving. every mobe or stab i did it keeps on doudging my moves.

i felt it scratch my side the wound was deep and let out a lot of blood.

then when it almost stab me with his claws i screamed then everybody barged in my room even slendy.

"alex are you ok?"

then the rake escaped. the last thing i knew i blocked out because of blood lost.

~alex dream land~

i was laying in a dark cell then i saw a man with a siute but his shirt inside was red. but his face was black.

"hello alex. join me insted." then i saw some of his group and there i saw the rake.

"join us insted alex."

i coulden't move like my body has a mind of it's own.  i just walked closer and closer until...

~end of dream~

i woke up by someone calling my name.

"alex !! wake up !!"

"alex !!"

Masky's Pov

i heard alex mumbling and sqirming

i decided to wake her up instead.

"alex wake up"

"ALEX !!"

she opened her eyes then she hugged me. i can feel my shoulder being wet i knew she was crying.

"it's ok alex" then i pat her back

she looked at me then whipped her tears.

"im scared.... i had a dream of this guy wearing a siute then...... his face was black and..... he asked me to join them."

"it's ok.. its just a dream ok."

i got shocked in what she said  dont tell me zalgo is going to steal her or maybe worst his going to kill her.

i stood up and went out of her room. i need to reprt this imidiately to slendy.

Alex Pov

i sat in my bed crying. i really dont know what to do then i saw toby went inside my room.

"hey uh... are you feeling ok?"

i whiped my tears then noded.

"t-toby when was i blocked out ?"

"oh.. uhm... almost a week."

"a week ??" i got up and went to the bathroom.

"i'm going to take a shower first  i feel sticky."

he noded then went out of my room.

i took a long shower then changed into a simple white shirt then  3/4 pants. i decided to go to slendy's office. as i went outside my room i almost bump into Ben.

"i-im sorry i didnt know you were infront of my door."

"i'ts ok.. slendy told me to call you to his office."

i noded then we walked to the office.

"did you call me slendy?"

i asked.

"yeah have a seat."

i walked to the chair then took a seat.

he sighed "masky told me that you had a dream about zalgo."

"who's zalgo ?"

"his my enemy. he tried to kill me once though."

"well ....does he wear a siute like you ?"

he noded.

"uhm... is he going to kill me ?"

"well it's a maybe."

"w-what and you'll not do sumthing about it ?! you'll just leave me there to die ?!" my voice started  to sound annoyed are they really going to let me be killed.

"ofcourse i'll not leave you to die. remember i treated you like my own daughter i will not let them touch you or lay a finger on you."

he said then i hugged him.

well yeah he is my dad after all ever since my parents died.

*ok.. she was attacked by zalgo's soldier the rake. see ya next chap. bye !! :* *

Creepypasta romance (harem) :pजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें