Me: I wonder why she needs to go there.

Sophie: And why she didn't want Amy to join her.

Alfie: You ok girls?

Me: Yeah we are good. Have you all got outfits?

Marcus: All done.

Sophie: Cool, let's go meet Zoe and Amy at Starbucks then.

Alfie and I are slightly behind the others, Alfie pushing me again. I rest my head back against his stomach and close my eyes. The others take the escalators whilst we go straight to the lift which stops right by Starbucks.

Getting out the lift, I could instantly hear an argument happening not far away.

Alfie: Jesus, is that Zoe?

We look over at Starbucks and the gang are gathered in a circle shouting at a boy with his back to me.

Guy: Why didn't you tell me you were going to see her?

Zoe: We are only shopping! It is a harmless trip!

Guy: Well next time I want an invite!

Marcus: An invite? After what you did!

Guy: Who are you to judge me?

Zoe: Please, stop shouting. Everyone is looking at us.

Guy: I can't believe you chose her over me Zoe! What kind of person would do that?

Alfie starts to head towards the group, me in front of him. As we get closer, Amy taps Zoe on the shoulder getting her attention then pointing to us. Suddenly the whole group goes silent. The mystery guy turning completely away from me.

Alfie: What's happening here?

Sophie: Nothing, nothing at all.

Alfie places his hand on the guys shoulder and turns him around to face us.


Tears begin to form in my eyes. I hadn't told anyone about the text from last night.

Me: What are you doing here?

Joe: It is nice to see you too Hanna.

Me: Don't you go there Joe. Why are you here?

Joe: It's a public place! Am I not allowed anywhere!

Alfie: Zoe, have you got anything to do with this?

Zoe: Joe didn't have the keys to get into the flat, I told him to meet me here. I didn't mean for this to happen.

Me: Well it did.

Joe: Don't blame my sister you slut!

Me: Me! A slut! How dare you!

Joe: How dare I? You are the one who literally broke up with me a week ago and now you are sleeping with your ex.

Me: Why is my relationship with anyone else a concern of yours?

Joe: I still care for you that's why!

Me: Oh so that is why you cheated on me with Margaret!

Joe: Marie. Her name is Marie.

Alfie: Who gives two shits about your girl Joe?

Joe: Don't get me started on you Alfie! She cheated on you remember! Remember that picture? Or have you forgotten about that?

Alfie: This is not your place to bring personal information up like that!

Joe. Personal! Everyone knows about it!

Me: Joe please, just stop.

Joe: Fine I'll go! At least I have tried to sort things out between us whilst you have made no effort.

Me: That text was not effort Joe! That was cruel!

Zoe: Joe just leave. You have overstayed your welcome here.

Joe glares at me then walks off. I burst into tears, upset about everything that has just happened. Him bringing up my party, my mistakes and blaming me for our breakup.

Me: I just want to go home Alfie.

Alfie: Let's go home then monkey.

Alfie kneels down in front of my wheelchair. He uses his thumb to wipe away the tears falling quickly from my eyes.

Alfie: Please don't cry. I don't like seeing you upset.

I lean over and hug Alfie, him kissing my cheek.

Finn: Come on you two, Amy and I will drop you back home.

Amy grabs my handles and begins to walk to the car park with Finn.

Zoe: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

Alfie: Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault.

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