Chapter Sixteen Part Two

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They got up and walked after him, keeping their distance.


They were walking back from dinner and tried to locate Quirrell, who they just lost.

"We need to go get the cloak." Harry said, they nodded and started to the Gryffindor tower.

"So, any ideas about what he wants?" Neville asked as they walked.

"No." They answered.

"Great." Draco said. They continued forward and made it to the common room soon after.

They stayed in the room for a bit, further discussing the plan. Soon they realized it was past curfew. Harry grabbed the cloak and Luna, Hermione, Ron, and Pansy shared it. Harry, Neville, Draco and Blaise decided to stay out of it, seeing as the other four hardly fit as it was.

They walked down the stairs quietly, then out the common room which was luckily vacant.

They were in the hall and began walked towards the third floor quickly. While they were walking down one corridor, the people under the invisibility cloak looked around the corner, seeing McGonagall walking down it.

Blaise tripped over a ink pot left in the middle of the corridor. McGonagall froze. Everyone under the cloak sighed.

"You okay?" Draco asked, loud enough for McGonagall to hear.

"Fine." He replied.

"Harry, Neville, hide. McGonagall is there and she heard them." Hermione whispered.

"What?" Neville asked. Harry covered his mouth with his hand and pulled him behind a door.

"McGonagall." He whispered. Neville nodded.

"Misters Malfoy and Zabini. What on earth are you doing out at this time?" She asked.

"Oh, um.. we were looking for my bag. I lost it." Blaise said.

"That is no reason. You will be given it when it is found. Back to the common room, both of you. In fact, I have to talk to Professor Snape, I will escort you there." She said.

"Okay." Draco said. They followed her.

"Damn." Harry said.

"What are we going to do?" Neville asked.

"We'll just have to go on without them." Harry replied. Neville nodded.

They walked out a minute later. "Ready then?" Hermione said, they nodded.

Then they continued, more careful now, down to the third floor.

The six of them walked into the third floor corridor and to the only door there. "Alohomora." Hermione whispered. The door clicked and she opened it.

There was the dog, that instantly started growling upon seeing them. Luna began playing her harp. After a few seconds, the dog layed down and fell asleep.

They all walked over to where it was laying and looked around. "Here." Pansy whispered. They walked to where she was crouching, beside one of the paws.

There was a trap door, mostly concealed by the dog's paw. Pansy and Harry slowly moved it out of the way and lifted the door open.

"Luna, do you have anything we can drop to see how far it is?" Ron asked her. She was still playing the harp and she nodded.

She grabbed her bag and opened it, pulling out an ink pot and handing it to Ron. "Thanks." He said. She nodded again, still playing.

Ron handed it to Harry, who dropped it down. They strained their ears, it hit something, sounding not to far down, but far enough to make them worried. It hit something odd though, making a weird sound they couldn't identify.

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