Everyone but Harry smiled and clapped. Harry just stood there giving Niall a dirty look. Why would he care? It was his dare anyway.

“Well.” Niall piped up. “I think I got all the whip cream off.” Everyone laughed a bit. Then I went to change and I came back down.

“Well, my turn I guess. Mackenzie, truth or dare.” The look of fear in her eyes was priceless. She’d known me long enough to know that either one she picked would be bad.

“Truth?” She looked terrified. Excellent.

“How far have you and Zayn gone together?” The boys laughed and Zayn and Mackenzie got wide eyed.

Mackenzie looked at Zayn as if asking permission to tell. He smiled and she turned back to me. “Third base..” She whispered. She almost looked ashamed of it. The boys erupted in cheering.

“Yeah Zayn!” Niall patted him on the back.

“GET IN IN!” Louis screamed. I just sat back laughing. When everything cooled down Mackenzie asked Louis and he chose truth.

“If you could snog anyone in this room, who would it be?”

“MY HAZZA OF COURSE!” He yelled, with absolutely no hesitation. Harry smiled, but he looked like he had his head in the clouds. “Earth to Harry!” Louis snapped his fingers in Harry’s face. “Truth or dare Haz!”

“Oh sorry Boo. Truth.”

“Who do you have a crush on?”

Harry looked a bit uncomfortable. “Well..There’s this girl I knew before I went on X factor. Her name was Kendra. We were best friends. Basically siblings. She had it rough in school, and I was always there to ward of bullies or carry her home. She used to get beaten up and teased. It broke my heart. We had known each other since we were kids. She always considered me as her friend, but she meant so much more to me than that. I loved her. She was beautiful and I constantly told her that. One day we were watching a movie and I vowed to always be her best friend. But after the x factor, we never talked. I made a big mistake. I basically ignored her. I’ve thought about her every day since.” He stared off into the distance for a minute. “But I also just met someone. She’s even more beautiful than Kendra. I don’t know her very well though. But I like her.”

Oh. He met someone prettier than me. That’s...great. Mackenzie gave me a glance. I nodded my head towards my room. “Be right back guys, I gotta pee.”

“Yeah me too.” Mackenzie said, following me upstairs.

I sat down on my bed and looked at her. “He remembers me. But he doesn’t know that I’m me. He did love me. He missed ad cared about me. But he found someone prettier.”

“Just think about what he said. Think about what he felt about you. He still likes you! Well, the old you. Which is the same as the you that you are now. Just a little different. He just doesn’t know that you’re..you. Well he knows you’re you but he doesn’t-”

“Mackenzie, hush haha. You’re being confusing.”

“This whole situation is confusing!”

“Yeah. I don’t know, I have changed since when we were friends. What if he doesn’t like the new me? And what about this other girl?”

“I think you two need to get to know each other. Then tell him that you’re his old best friend/crush.”

“What if we do that, and he likes me. Then he stops liking the old me! If he didn’t know we were the same person, he’d either- A. Love the old but not new me, which is bad. B. Love the new me but not the old me, which is bad. C. Love both, also bad. D. Love neither. which is also bad. No matter what happens this is bad! I think I should tell him who I am and just go from there, as friends.”

“Yeah that sounds like a good idea. He did say all that stuff though. He’d be a bit embarrassed.”

“Not my problem.”

She chuckled then got serious again. “What about Niall? What’s going on with you two?”

“I’m not sure. He’s cute and all, but I barely know him! Then he kissed me, and I kissed back. I like him, but I don’t know him well. Plus, I’m still in love with Harry.”

“Wow, that’s complicated, you should get to know Niall better too. I know he likes you a lot.”

I couldn’t help but smile at this. We began to head back downstairs.

“What takes you guys so long?” Zayn asked.

“Got my period.” Mackenzie said, like it was nothing. The boys all made disgusted faces. Damn, that excuse works for everything.

I laughed and sat next to the only open spot on the couch, between Harry and Liam. Mackenzie didn't want to sit on the floor so she sat on Zayn’s lap. Aww. I peeked over at Harry. I didn't know when or how I was going to tell him that I was, well, me.

The Vow. (A 1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now