The Odds and Ends of Living a Double Life

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Requested By: @Kaitlynschmidt26

Series: Samurai/Super Samurai

Summary: Emily still has a few loose ties from her old life that find her after the final battle with Xandred.


This takes place at least four months post Xandered. Given that when the team first became rangers I think they were all Juniors in High School I am assuming that both series took place in the timespan of two years making the rangers eighteen/twenty years old. I am judging their ages by how I think they should be aged. Also, they still have their Morphers even though they gave them back in the show (I think they gave them back at least, it's been a while.)

Jayden - 20

Kevin - 20

Antonio - 19

Mike - 19

Emily - 18

Mia - 18

Rated: T

Trigger Warnings for severe bullying.



It was Emily's turn to go grocery shopping, even after they went their separate paths the Samurai Rangers made sure to meet up and eat lunch at least once a month, if someone couldn't make it then they would face time them during the whole dinner if they were able to. As she passed the meat aisle (Antonio brought more than enough fish back from his latest trip) she bumped into someone else's cart. "I'm sorry sir," she said excusing herself then she tried to go around him. Instead of letting her go by he grabbed her arm, in all honesty she could've gotten out of his grip using a simple manuver Jayden taught her, but the man seemed familiar.

"Wait a second, Emily?" He said saying her name, suddenly she was sixteen years old again.

The first day at a new school, the sixth new school Emily's had that year. "Here's your schedule, this is Adam, he's going to walk you though your first day." The secretary at the front desk went back to clacking at her keyboard as if Emily was just another thing she could scratch off her to - do list. Adam smiled, Emily smiled back, then he held the door open for her.

"Right this way new girl." Emily chuckled,

"It's Emily, here's my schedule." Adam took it then scoffed,

"four AP classes your sophmore year?" She shrugged,

"I want to get into medical school to help find a cure for cancer." Adam laughed,

"Seriously new girl?" He scoffed again, "you're one of those nerds. To think I was going to get you in bed." Emily's eyes widened,

"Excuse me?!" She exclaimed in surprise, "I am not some slut you can take for granted." She spat at his feet.

One week later someone managed to find an embarrassing photo from back when she was ten, she did a swimsuit catalogue thing for the local mall and had to wear her first bikini. The subtext read:

The Slut Queen is Here!

Emily froze at the sound of the man's voice not believing what she was hearing. After almost three years, learning how to fight her own battles, and defeating the worst monster known for mankind, she still was afriad of her high school bully. "It is you! Wow, who knew you would really great into the bitch bod?" She felt the presence of someone behind her, the man asked,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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