I Am Strong Enough: NS

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Power Rangers Ninja Storm

Requested By: @northernlion196

Summary: In the aftermath of I Love Lothor after fighting on the beach Tori begins to think she isn't strong enough to be a Ninja Storm Power Ranger.

Rated T: Just to be safe

Trigger Warnings: Self-doubt, light swears, past bullying.


She woke up with both of her arms tied to cacti. "Good, you're awake." The monster said kneeling down in front of her. She bit her lip instead of replying with a smart-aleck comment. "I see you've already learned your place. What was that feeble old man thinking, making his worst female student the blue ranger? I mean, you let yourself get captured!" She glared at him, but the monster only laughed. "Right, well now that you're all tied up and useless I'm going to the beach to catch some more rangers...

"Tori, get to safety!" Blake shouted as she was pushed into the sand. He took a few hits for her, then lost his weapon.

"Blake don't!" Tori screamed as his weapon fell near the green ranger.

"This is for you Tori!" The blue ranger could only watch as the Producer monster shocked him with electricity. However, he came out of it unscathed.


"No way!" The blue and green ranger breathed happily.

Blinking the blue ranger realized she wasn't captured, or on the beach. Instead she was in their ranger base. "Tori, are you okay?" She flinched, the voice surprising her.

"Yeah," she turned to the youngest ranger. "I'm fine Cam." The green ranger nodded then went back to work on a new megazord combination. After they finished eating the 'homemade' chicken the other rangers decided to go to the surf/bike shop. Tori stayed behind claiming she wanted to train some more and declined Shane's offer of practice fighting with her.

The blue ranger herself used to be bullied at her old school, that was the reason why she joined the Ninja Academy in the first place. Her parents always believed it was the school's fault, but she new better. In a way, she brought it on herself. Whenever she saw a Senior picking on a lower grade level she always stood up for the little guy. She never really thought of herself as a damsel in distress... Until today that is.

"You know Tori, the team wouldn't be complete without you." She turned around to face her mentor and nodded quietly.

"I have to get home... My mom needs my help to make dinner." The guinea pig nodded then flipped over to his nephew.

While she was walking she noticed a middle schooler was getting picked on . Despite her growing self-doubt her hero-complex practically forced her to defend the sixth grader. "Hey! It's not cool picking on kids who are younger than you." She shouted grabbing the guys arm as he reeled it back for a punch. The sixth grader stared at her in awe.

"Who are you telling me what I can and can't do?" The man turned around and Tori froze. It was Kyle Jacobson, the bully from her old school. "Wait a second, Tori Hansen? Is that you?!" She nodded,

"In the flesh." He laughed,

"We all thought you disappeared off the edge of the world during sophomore year!" She shrugged,

"School transfer." He suddenly flipped her over his shoulder landing her in concrete. She looked at the terrified boy then mouthed 'run!' After the boy was safely gone she turned her attention on Jacob. She said, "you were a jerk three years a go, and now you're an asshole." He punched her jaw.

"And three years ago you were a completely worthless teenage girl with a hero-complex that did more harm than good." She winced and dropped her hands to her side allowing him to side kick her ribs.

"Tori!" Someone shouted. The voice came closer until she felt Jacob getting pulled off of her. She opened her eyes and saw her four friends standing protectively in front of her.

Kyle smirked, "geeze, why'd you hire these losers to be your body guards Worthless?" She growled and stood up,

"Their not my body guards. And I'm not worthless!" She flipped over her team's heads landing in front of them with her fists drawn.

"Please," Kyle continued, "who'd want to be friends with you?" Shane stepped forward, wrapping his arm around the blue ranger's shoulders.

"We all are. Tori is the best person you could ever want as a friend, if you don't understand that concept maybe you should leave." Kyle blinked then chuckled,

"Yeah right. Is she paying you?" Cam replied,

"No, but you would have to. As Shane said, Tori is the best friend you could ever want. She's brave and strong, even when the situation is stressful." The blue ranger threw a wild right-hook making contact with Kyle's nose.

"Ah!" He shouted in pain, "you broke my nose!" She smirked,

"You broke my spirit. Now we're even, see you later Jerkenson." She turned to her friends and smiled, because now she knows she doesn't have to be strong enough... It just helps that she is.

How'd I do? Comment or PM me which one-shot you want next! Sorry it's kind of short, I haven't actually seen this series in a while and just rewatched this episode.

Please No SPD or Rangers In Space.


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