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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't been active much lately, but here's this one shot, I just came up with the idea a few seconds ago.

Summary: Emma has always been fond of the blinking lights in the night sky.

Series: Super Megaforce

Rated: T

The stars have always amazed the current Pink Ranger. They were bright, exciting. Always creating new shapes in the sky each night, her favorite constellation was Delphinus, although she has never seen it in person.

Each night new designs appear on the night's canvas, each night Emma finds herself staring at them for hours on end. The stars are beautiful, pure light emitting from the vastness of space. Every star she sees she remembers why she became a ranger.

As I've said before, stars represent the purity, wholeness of the ranger team, her family... Look a little bit closer at her though, and Emma has a secret dark side, the past she's been trying to hide. It's a black hole eating her up, her light threatening to emplode on itself. She used to stare at the stars, wondering how they were so bright, innocent, when she first became a ranger she stared at them wondering which one of the lights was the next to implode, destroy the area around it. Or maybe, which if the stars was secretly an Armada ship, plotting it's next attack on the planet she swore to protect.

Now, two years after she first became a ranger, she stands before the stars to thank them. The stars gave her enough courage to tell her friends about her parents devoirce. Unlike her old school, her friends didn't stare at her, or scoff in disgust. Instead they hugged her, they actually understood it took more than I'm sorrys, and wow that sucks to get her to open up. Gia was amazing, she definitely was Emma's best friend. The yellow ranger didn't try to talk while Emma explained all the suffering she had to go through before the devoirce. Jake would distract her with something, whether it be a pick up game of soccer, or fro-yo, she knew he would be there. If she fell behind a class Noah would work extra time into his own schedule to tutor her until she completely understood the topic. Orion would tell her stories about the stars, the ones from his home planet, stories of constellations she's never even dreamed of. Troy... God, she couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend, or a better team leader. He was always there for her, if she had a bad day he would show up with a dozen dasies, Emma thought roses were too cliche. They would spend the whole day watching bad romance comedies until the feeling of loneliness went away. Other times he would help her learn to focus on reality, either during class, or during a fight.

As she sat with her team the night after the ledgenday battle she looked at her friends with new fondness in all of them. Then, she leaned against Troy's chest, his arm immediately wrapped around her protectively. Noah was explaining something about how the meteor shower was one of the first since the end of the battle, or something like that. She stared at the stars then said, "they're beautiful." Troy nodded, then brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face.

"But none are more beautiful than you are." And Emma smiled, because as cheesy as the line was, it meant the world to her. If Troy thought she was a star, then she truly must be one of the twinkling light in the night sky.

Stars: As beautiful as they are, they are more dangerous the closer you get to them.


This was just a little snippet I decided to write, only 600 words or so.


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