We Both Wear Leather Jackets For The Same Reasons

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Hey, I just re-watched the Megaforce Legendary Battle movie and noticed both Troy and Gia wear leather jackets even when it is sunny out. Came up with this idea and couldn't forget about it.

Summary: Troy and Gia realize they have more in common than both being rangers.

Rated: T

Not Requested


Gia leaned back against her locker thinking about her life back in middle school. Back when the only person who would willingly talk to her was Emma...

Emma and Gia were both inside the bathroom. Emma sighed, "you didn't have to do that ya know. I could've handled it." Gia sighed and applied more make-up on her black-eye.

"I know... You shouldn't have interrupted them though." She sighed and dried her hands underneath the automatic dryer.

"They were wrong. You are the best friend anyone could ask for." Gia smiled at her best friend then said,

"Let's go to Ernie's." Emma nodded and they both left the school building and walked to to the mall.

Troy Burrows on the other hand, was playing soccer with Jake while Noah was on his laptop looking stuff up. Jake laughed as the ball missed the net and his leader landed on his back. Troy accepted his friend's hand and began to stand up. However, he was hit with a sudden memory. One he thought was long forgotten.

Derik Monsa was Troy's school bully. Correction, he was the school bully who would always pick on younger students. Troy was never a Target per-se, he was the only one who would defend the people Derik bullied. Derik on the other hand, decided to have fun with Troy one day after school...

"Hey! Geek!" Derik shouted across the hallway at Troy's retreating back. "Wait up!" Troy stopped and waited for the school bully to catch up to him.

"Look, I'm not in the mood to do this today." Derik smirked then punched Troy in the stomach.

"Good thing I don't care about what you're in the mood for then." Derik pulled back his sleeves to reveal a long twelve inch knife. "Let's see how much that mandatory art class worked shall we?" Then he proceeded to rip Troy's jacket off of him and push Troy into the floor. Troy screamed in pain as Derik carved different words into his arms. Words that Troy found spray painted on his locker, words that he heard people call him. When Derik was done he pulled up Troy's chest and wrote the word worthless in big letters across it. He chuckled at his master piece. "I think I've made my point." At the word point he stabbed Troy's thigh making him scream.

"Troy... Come on Troy!"

"Man, what's happening to him? One minute we were playing soccer the next..." The red Megaforce ranger opened his eyes and saw Gia looking down at him.

"Troy, breath with me... In... Out... In... Out... In... Out... In... Out..." He began to copy her breathing pattern and calmed down. Troy looked around the room and realized they weren't at the soccer field any more.

"Where?" He asked. Noah answered, the blue ranger was off to the side. It wasn't like he didn't care about his friend, it was just he wasn't that good with human emotions.

"The command center. We brought you here after a few minutes. I figured if we took you to a hospital it might've worsened the situation." Troy leaned back down in the cot.

"Gia, can I talk to you?" The pink ranger said pulling the yellow to the side. "You know exactly what just happened." Gia nodded then glanced back at her leader,

"I know, I never thought Troy of all people would have a flashback attack." Emma nodded then Gia said, "you want me to talk to him right?" Emma nodded again,

"He needs to be aware he's not alone. Hell! You need to know you're not alone. I can only do so much for you." Gia smiled sadly then asked,

"Can you see if you can get the boys outta here? I would prefer to not do this in front of Gosei, but judging how bad Troy is he probably won't want to leave the room anyhow." Emma walked over to the boys then said,

"Hey guys, let's give Gia and Troy some space." Jake looked alarmed,

"Why? What's going to happen?" Emma sighed then dragged him by the ear with Noah in tow.

Chuckling at his girlfriend Troy turned to Gia and asked, "what was that about?" He noticed the fear and hesitation in Gia's eyes.

"I'm just going to say it. I know why you had a panic attack. Something triggered it right?" Troy's face fell serious, but Gia didn't give up. "Look, I'm not going to force you to tell me what happened okay? I'm just here to show you you're not alone..." She shrugged off her jacket and saw Troy's eyes widen when he saw all of the scars that marked her body."don't say anything until I'm finished." Troy nodded then began to trace his fingers over the white scars on her arms. "I wasn't always Mrs. Popular, in middle school I was always picked on and bullied. Emma was the only person there who didn't treat me like dirt. Five years ago my bully decided to take it up a notch and got his hands on one of the knives the cafeteria ladies used to cut the salads. During lunch one day he threw... He thew me onto the floor and began to butcher my skin. Throughout the years I began to think he was right, but then I met this team and realized I could stop bad things from happening before they happen." She was met with silence. Then Troy spoke,

"Derik Monsa." She stayed quiet, afraid anything she did would put Troy back into the state of not talking. "He was my old school's bully." He sighed then rolled up his own sleeves. "I was never on of the guys who he targeted though. I was the one who stood up for his target. One day he brought a twelve inch knife to school. After the final bell rang he pushed me to the ground and started to carve words into me. Not just any words, but the words he spray painted on my locker and called me everyday. I became insecure and I actually tried to kill myself once. That's why we moved here, my mom didn't think that school was right for me anymore.

Gia nodded then said, "so we both wear jackets to cover the scars of our past." He smiled faintly,

"We both wear jackets."


I do not support bullying in any way! If you need someone you can talk to PM me or call/talk to a trusted adult. If you are being bullied life will get better!

With that out of the way...

Comment what the next one shot should be like!

You must have an episode it's based off of, either taking place before, or after the one shot/short story along with the character's name and Mini plot ideas/summary.


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