"I should go." I mutter and stand up. Blaze immediately jumps up along with me and swiftly retracts the hand she was about to grab my arm with.

"I'm so sorry, Noah." I shake my head at the remorse in her voice.

"No, you're not. You would have come back to me if you were. You wouldn't have someone else. You would still love me." I say, my voice cracking slightly, and I walk towards the door. Before I exit, I turn around and make a promise that I intend to keep, even if it kills me.

"I will make you fall in love with me again." And before she could say anything else, I walk out and shut the door. I shove my hands into the pockets of my sweatpants and slowly make my way to my car.

Do you think she's lying?

About what?

About the whole 'having someone else' thing.

No, she wouldn't lie about that.

Rachel says that it's not true though.

You can still speak to Rachel?

Now, yes. We're closer to each other.

What if Rachel's just saying that to spare your feelings.

She wouldn't lie to me like that.

You've just proven my reason for believing Blaze. We both think they wouldn't lie.

Yeah, but-

Hunter, can I just drive in privacy, please?

Fine... Butthead.


I arrive back at the pack house at about 1:00am and I can barely keep my eyes open. It's as if all of the sudden the lethargic feeling I have been suppressing for the past four years has come back with a vengeance, almost forcing me to just lay down on the staircase. It looks promising, yet my neck screaming it's protest makes it crystal clear that it might not be a good idea, and I'd most probably regret listening to the slumber demon in my ear, crooning sweet lullabies, coaxing me into a slow decent into the dark realm of my unconscious conscience.

"Just one more step." I mumble, my eyelids drooping dangerously low, causing me to trip over the last step. I heave myself back up onto my knees and practically crawl to my bedroom door. I feel utterly drained and I can't help but think it's because my body has relaxed after seeing Blaze.

I haven't been able to get more than two hours of sleep in a week for the past four years and I can feel my neglect catch up to me, swinging a cartoon baseball bat, ready to knock me hard enough to see stars.

I barely make it to my bed before collapsing onto my covers, not bothering to pull myself up properly. Spasms creep up my body and I can feel Hunter's restlessness. Now that I have responded to being close to Blaze, I want her luscious body pressed up against mine, feeling every curve as I indulge in her skin with my lips, kissing every sweet part of her. I sigh in content as the first dream in four years loops through my mind like a movie.

"Love," I mumble, reaching out to her, a galaxy of colours mixing behind my closed eyelids pull into a wonderful fantasy about my gorgeous mate.


"Bear... Wake up." I feel a pair of legs press down at my sides, caging my hips against the mattress.

"Hmph." I mumble, slowly opening my eyes in a drug-like haze.

"Hey, bear." She leans down and hungrily moves her mouth all over my neck and collerbone. I groan and grip her hips to stop her from wiggling.

"Morning." I sigh and blink my eyes, biting my lip to keep from growling at the sensation she's awakening in my body.

"Do you feel that?" She whispers hotly in my ear before poking her tongue out to lick my earlobe. I shiver and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Feel what, Love?" I slur and she giggles against my ear.

"This." I grunt at the feeling of a knife piercing my chest. I hiss and look down, only to find my chest clear of any blades. Blaze is no longer on top of me and I frantically look around in search for her beautiful eyes, but instead, their glaring at me with a sadistic glint. She turns her head and purrs at the shadowy figure I didn't notice was standing at our bedroom door.

"Don't I get a kiss, Babe?" She whines, but her voice sounds hollow and echoes against the walls.

"Of course, Baby." The figure steps forward, but stays blanketed by the darkness. He swoops down and captures her lips in his, and I can physically feel my heart crack.


"Dude, wake up!" I gasp for air as the ache slowly starts to fade and my eyes flicker to every corner of the room, waiting for those two to jump out and start making more babies.

"That felt so real." I whisper, grabbing my chest and glance down to see that my shirt is ripped and claw marks are all over my left peck, slowly starting to heal. Dried blood is left behind and I glance at the duvet I slept on to see it tainted with my blood.

"What was that all about? You were screaming and clawing at your chest." He looks around my room as well, almost as if to see of their was anything that will harm him.

"I just had a nightmare about my- uh... Mate." I mumble, still half-dazed and confused about my surroundings. It still feels like it might have been real.

"You have a mate? Wait, is it Mackenzie? Is that why you were so possessive over her?" I glance at him and decide to answer his questions.

"Yes, I have a mate. Yes it's B- Mackenzie." I scowl at the name before continuing,
"Yes, that was why I was so possessive. She kind of... Ran from me four years back. I thought when you said she was taken, I kind of hoped you were talking about me, but when I asked about it yesterday, she said she has someone else." My throat tightens, almost refusing to spit out the words I've been dreading to accept myself.

"Wow... That's some deep stuff." He says, unhelpfully pointing out the obvious.

"I suppose you haven't found your mate yet, if you had a little crush on Bl- Mackenzie." I almost choke on the name. I can't believe she changed her name and everything.

"Yeah, I have been everywhere in Europe, but she's not here." He looks saddened and I feel bad for this french wolf. He's just lonely. Almost everybody has their mates. He's practically the only person here, besides Lili, Jacque and their son.

"Maybe you should come back with me to America, and you can look there." His eyes brighten and he nods enthusiastically.

"Oui! Merçi!" He jumps up and fist bumps the air. I chuckle and shake my head. I'm going to miss this guy when I leave in a month. Hopefully he can come with me and possibly find his soulmate.

"Well, I guess we should go and talk to Jacque about training plans. Who am I suppose to train?" I ask and glance at him, still doing a happy dance.

"The teenagers and younger wolves that already moved out who are interested in being a warrior." I nod my head and begrudgingly make my way to the shower. I feel like I slept for a whole day, when in actuality I slept for six hours.

Today, I am going to figure out how to get Blaze back and set up a training schedule.

Time to get started.

Everyone Is Flawed {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now