37: More Babies!?

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It's easy to just take it for granted and not realise just how lucky we are. For me to have Jimin and to have a family is such a beautiful, incredible thing. We've got two wonderful babies we can't wait to meet.

That reminds me... I need to propose to Jimin. I want to marry him so badly, and I'm getting impatient.


I blink, awoken out of my thoughts.


"I'm hungry..." Jimin pouts sadly.

"Why didn't you say anything, sweetheart?!" I question, angry that he didn't say anything sooner.

"I did... three times."


"Shit, sorry baby, I was thinking about us."

"Us? Like... about the babies?" Jimin smiles wide, happy.

That and... other things...

I smirk. "Yes, baby."

Jimin's stomach grumbles, kicking me into action, my three babies need feeding.

I pick Jimin up, he wraps his legs tightly around my waist and his arms around my neck, as I carry him into our bedroom.

Wrapping him in a big fluffy. pink towel, I dry off his shiny, wet body, making sure his pink ears and tail are dry as well, before dressing him in one of my shirts.

I know how much he loves wearing my shirts, because they smell like me.

He loves my smell, apparently I smell chocolatey and minty.
Whilst he to me, smells like sweet peaches.

My favourite smell in the whole world.


One month later

(Lol I'm lazy, sorry 😂😂)

Jimin's POV:

"So what did Doctor Hoseok say?!" I ask, desperate to know how Tae and Kook got on in their appointment today with Doctor Hoseok.

Tae and Jungkook look at each other, smiles teasing the corners of their mouths, before they turn to full blown 1000 mega watt grins.

They both look at me, the two holding hands tightly as they smile widely.

"I'M PREGNANT!" Tae shouts loud for me and Yoongi to hear.

I squeal, ecstatic for Taehyung and Jungkook. I run over to Tae and wrap my arms around him, hugging him as best as I can with my huge belly. I pull Jungkook into the hug too, hugging the both of them.

"This is such amazing news! I'm so happy for you both. You have a family!"

I feel another pair of arms wrap around me from behind, looking up I see Yoongi joining in with the hug.

We all pull away from the hug, tears now leaking down Tae's face and my own from the happiness of the moment.

They're finally going to have a family!

"So how far along are you?" Yoongi asks.

"Well, as it turns out, Tae has actually been pregnant for about 1 month now and we had no idea! We stopped using pregnancy tests two months back, but I wish we hadn't now as we would've found out much sooner if we'd used one!"

"Wow, really?! That's insane, so you didn't even need Hoseok's help, because Tae was already pregnant?"

"Um... about that... So Hoseok couldn't see any babies when he did an ultrasound a month back, so he inserted some of my sperm straight into some of Tae's eggs and then put them in his uterus, which fertilised... so Tae and I are now expecting... four babies."

Me and Yoongi open and close our mouths, trying to think of words to say, but coming up speechless.

"F-four babies?" Yoongi and I ask at the same time, trying to clarify that we actually heard them correctly.

"Yes. We're still trying to get absorb the news too. We went from having no babies to four, it's a lot to take in, but we're so, so fucking happy!" Jungkook pulls Tae into his side, wrapping a hand around his waist.

Jungkook clinging to the fabric of Tae's shirt means I can see Tae's belly through the stretched fabric.

Holy moly, he's got a bump already! But I suppose being pregnant with FOUR BABIES does that to someone.

I look down at my own belly, rubbing my hand over it. The twins should be coming soon, there's not long to wait at all now and Jin could go into labour any day now.

It's about to get very crowded.


Hi guyssssss!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it was boring, I tried 😭

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Thank you for reading!!!

Love you sooooooo much !!!!!!


BunBun ❤️

Cared For #YoonminTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon