I shake my head, “No, I usually…cut them off.”

“What!” he thunders, “You cut off your wings?”


“Why the fuck would you do that? Are you a masochist or something?” he demands with his hands on his hips.

“No,” I mutter with an eye roll.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” he prods.

“Yes but normal people don’t have wings and these aren’t the easiest to hide.”

“Neither are my horns but I never cut them off.”

I lift an eyebrow incredulously, “Never? You just walked around with them out?”

He shrugs, “People don’t like it they can suck my ball sack.”

I make a disgusted face, “Thanks for that visual.”

“What’s a ball sack?” Nola’s innocent asks with a scrunched up nose, “Is that were balls are kept or something?”

Gideon grins cheekily at her, “Gold star for miss Nola!”

“I want one!” Nola exclaims.

I face palm myself while Edie growls, “Thanks a lot ass wipe, now I’m going to get her out of saying that!”

“Momma you said a naughty word!”

Edie sighs and nods, “I did but Gideon is being a naughty word so I can call him it.”

“Can I call him it?”

“No.” Edie and I snap at the same time.

Orin is in downright hysterical laughter by now as he holds his abs while he laughs. I give him a pointed glare but he is doubled over not even looking at me as he waves his hand at me telling me to ignore him. yeah, not so easy when he’s laughing like a mentally defective donkey.

“What are you twelve?” I snap at him.

He shakes his head straighten up, “This is just such a shit show.”

“Oh shut it.”

“Yeah, what she said.” Gideon says with his arms crossed on his chest.

Orin raises a dark brown eyebrow, “She says that it feels good while I fu—“

“Whoa, kid present, why is this so hard for you guys to grasp.” Edie yells cutting him off mid-vulgar remark.

“I told you not to bring her here.” I grit out.

Edie shrugs one bird like shoulder, “Well you trying saying no to that face.”

I follow her pointed finger with my eyes and see a devastatingly cute puppy dog look on Nola’s face. I melt a little and she’s not even at full force using. It’s unhealthy. I’m starting to think she’s got some siren blood in there or something. Hell, she even has Orin wrapped around her finger and that man is close to a sociopath.

“It is a hard face to say no to.” Gideon agrees with a fond smile on his face in our niece’s direction. Oh no not him too!

“Whatever.” I mumble feeling petulant, “Lets just get back to the task at hand.”

“Right, me kicking your ass.”

Suddenly I feel like I just got hit in the chest with a cinder block as I go flying backwards. I flap my wings and slow myself down enough so that I can skid back on my feet before a collision with the wall. I feel another smirk pull at my mouth while I see everyone’s fairly impressed looks.

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