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What's all this? I didn't expect this from you Bhai!

No Aaliya, it's not like what you are thinking. You know about her right. She fall for me just like how she fell for Purab.

Pragya who was listening to this still in the hold of Abhi felt like opening her eyes and give a stern stare towards Abhi.

But she didn't as she need to act now.

Whatever it is Bhai. We know about her character. After all she is a middle class girl who is after men who have loads of money.


He told loudly which made Aaliya scared.

Pragya too shivered in his loud voice and hoped he didn't tell the truth.

Enough Aaliya. I need to admit her to hospital. She is unconscious and I don't know why. She came to see me and then turned unconscious now.

Bhai....she is acting. She fainted seeing me. How is that possible?

Aaliya, we will talk about this later. That's it!

He said firmly by carrying Pragya in his arms and Aaliya looked in disbelief.

Aaliya felt Pragya was taking advantage of her Bhai's innocence. He wonders why couldn't he feel that Pragya was acting.

Wait Bhai!!! I will also come with you.

Damn it! Why does she have to come with us? I can't even spend some time with him now.

Abhi sees Pragya frowning and murmured "Don't react!"

Pragya understood his words and was back to the expressionless face with eyes closed.

If he brings me to hospital now, then Aaliya will know the truth! Didn't he think about this?

Just then Abhi said, Aaliya... I think it's better to bring her to her house.

What are you saying Bhai? Why do we have to go there?

Listen Aaliya.....if we bring her to hospital now then we need to inform her folks and we have to wait for them unnecessarily. Look at the time now. It's 9 pm. We don't have the time to wait for them. That's why I think it's better to drop her at her home and maybe call our family doctor to check on her.

Aaliya agreed with him as she also doesn't want to waste her time at hospital.

Smart! Just like me. This is why I always say I have the best influence on him. A smart teacher will always make everyone around her to be smart as well.

She smiled inwardly and felt proud of Abhi's smart move.

How I wish she says she is busy now and leaves us alone?

Bhai... I just saw the message from Tanu. She needs my help as she forgot to take her credit card. She is now at a restaurant. So.....

No problem Aaliya. You go and help your friend first. Friend in need is friend indeed!

OK Bhai, I will call for a taxi from here.

She said and Abhi asked to update her location regularly.

Abhi drove from there with Pragya at the backseat.

You can open your eyes now. She is not here.

That I know! We Escaped from your sister!

Abhi grinned in response and said We must thank Tanu today.

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