Hunk, who had followed Lance from the couch, puts a hand on Lance's shoulder. "Well at least you guys have your significant other with you in the castle. Shay and I barely see each other in person." He points out, a pained look flashing across his face. "But I guess we do video chat every night, thanks to that new system Pidge and I installed." He adds, bringing his hand up to his chin in thought.

"Yeah, maybe it's better that way Hunk." Lance says, moving a hand out of his pocket to knock Hunk's from his shoulder. "Just look at what happened with Shiro and Pidge, it's a good thing that Keith and I can't get pregnant." He had just finished that sentence when his eyes widen as a familiar knife sores by Lances head, banging harmlessly off of Black and on to the floor.

All paladins whip their heads to see who threw it, Keith stands across the room breathing hard with his eyes closed and a face as red as a tomato. He takes a deep breath then opens his eyes, they burned with a unique purple fire. Taking large strides, he cross the room in no time, stomping straight up to Lance, and smashing his lips against his boyfriend's.

When Keith pulls away his face is no longer red. He stares intensely at Lance, who now was just as red as Keith was a second ago.

Silence stretches for a good while before the whole room bursts into laughter. Keith looks embarrassed for a second longer then joins in. Pidge forgets about Shiro's sweaty smell and leans on him while she tries not to cramp from laughing too hard. The large man's shoulders shake and he wraps an arm securely around Pidge's waist. Hunk gives up and collapses on the floor gasping for breath, and Lance and Keith support each other as they laugh.

The room only gets silent when the hanger door opens and Allura walks in with a dreamy smile on her face, a look that could only be caused by a certain Galran prince. The paladins exchange a knowing look and the room explodes once more.

Allura jumps, startled by their laughter, then bows her head in embarrassment. She makes her way over to Pidge and lays a hand on her very large belly. The laughter fades away as the team waits for an update on the baby.

"Healthy and happy." The princess reassures them. "You should be coming up on your due date soon." She adds to Pidge with a smile.

The baby gives a particularly rough kick, as if backing up Allura's words. Pidge would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous for the day to come. But like she said before, she was ready to have her little lion out.


Pidge flops back first onto the bed that she and Shiro share. Shiro puts his hands under her arms and gently brings her up half onto the pillows, and half on his chest.

The couple is quiet for a moment just listening to each other breathing before Pidge, who has zero patience for silence, ruins it. "So Allura and Lotor, huh?" She says, leaning her head back to look at Shiro's face.

The man's face is unreadable, "Yeah, I guess." He shrugs as if he didn't really care.

"You don't think it's dangerous for her to trust him so blindly?" She pushes, still looking at him intently waiting for a reaction.

Shiro finally looks down at her, his eyes communicating kindness and love. "Katie, I think you are being to hard on Lotor. He already gave us plenty of reasons to trust him again." He tells her.

"Like what." Pidge answers stubbornly. Her heart melted at his look but she won't be so easily convinced.

Shiro brings his metal hand up to his face and scratches his chin comically. "Well, he hasn't killed us yet, so that's one." Pidge elbows him in the side, he winces. "Okay okay, but seriously he has been a huge help to Coran with improvements and check ups around the castle. He is always willing to go on patrol if he's needed. Plus he helps keep Allura from over working herself, he really seems to care for her." He finishes.

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