Chapter one

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The green paladins eyes widened with shock as she looked over her pregnancy test.

"You have got to be shitting me."

She muttered, bringing a thumb up to her lips and gnawing at the nail nervously. The Altean tech she used was pretty different than ones commonly found on Earth, and in this case instead of peeing on a stick all Pidge had to do was stick a blue q-tip looking device under her tongue for 2 mins.

If the blue coloring turns green after the allotted time than she was in the clear but if it turned red than she was gonna have a pretty big problem on her hands.

Of course if this particular problem did arise she was sure she could figure something out, but having just turned 21 the only big set back she wanted to worry about was deciding which upgrade she wanted to try out on her lion next.

Unfortunately after taking at least 10 tests, Pidge found herself gazing into a sea of red devices. It looked like Green would just have to wait on all those promised upgrades.


How long had it been?

When was the last time she had a period?

How far along was she?

What about her duties as the green paladin?

All these questions and others screamed for the paladins attention as she paced up and down her small room. She was just about to make her tenth cycle of pacing when a wave of nausea hit her like a Galra war ship.

Pidge scrambled to the glowing door and slammed a hand on the open button, the other one clamped firmly on her lips to stop the bile that was already filling her mouth.

Once the door opened enough for the sick paladin to squeeze through Pidge sprinted the short distance to the toilet and emptied the contents in her stomach.

Thankfully the wave of complete awfulness had left the small woman just as swiftly as it had come. Now that she was done Pidge was left feeling shaky and weak, letting out a low groan she picked herself up and shuffled to the sink where she brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth several times washing the acidity taste of vomit  our and leaving the cool tinges of mint on her tongue.

She then made her way out of the bathroom and to her bed where she plopped down and smushed her face into her pillow.

Rover 2.0, a creation she only recently had the time and heart to build, beeped softly from his charging port.

He unhooked himself and hovered over to pidge gently bumping her shoulder.

"I'm ok Rover 2" Pidge responded to the bumping. "I just need to lie here for a bit and sulk. Then I will be able to get up and face this like a grown ass woman."

The robot hummed contently and settled himself by Pidge's side. Warming his small body like a portable heating pad.

Pidge gratefully soaked in the warmth and curled around the little robot.


Hello dear readers!
Thanks so much for giving my little story a chance! Sorry for the short first chapter but look forward to some longer ones in the future!

I'm just gonna state the ages of our favorite paladins in order to give y'all a better picture of them (:
Pidge 21
Hunk 23
Lance 23
Keith 24
Shiro 26 (I know this is not his cannon age but it's my story soooo)

I'm super excited to put this story in writing but I'm not prefect and I know for a fact that I will mess some things up but be patient with me I am trying my best!

If you guys have any fun ideas or characters that you want me to incorporate I would love to take a look at them!
Please vote and share <3

*I gave this a quick edit just because it was bothering me. For the new readers that may just now be stumbling onto this, I'm sorry for the poor writing and I promise the chapters get a little better as you move on 😭* ~ D2019 (also I'm going to try to pick this back up because it's honestly such a cute little story but I make no promises)

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