Chapter eight

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Pidge sways in her seat, the pain in her feet and legs making it hard to think straight. Behind her she hears Lotor's shallow breathing. She lets out a sigh of relief at the sign of life in the prince, despite what he has done to her team.

"How are you doing Pidge?" Keith asks, his lion flying close to her left flank.

"As well as I can at this point, Mullet." She replies using Lances nickname for him, hoping to lift some of the tension she can feel coming off the red paladin like waves.

He gives a huff that Pidge takes for a laugh, she smirks proud of her ability to hit his soft spot. This quickly turns into a grimace with Keith's next question.

"And what about the baby?" He asks, but Pidge is saved from having to answer when they hear static coming from their receivers.

"That has to be the others. Hang on, let me see if I can get a better signal." Pidge says punching away at her monitor. If she can just adjust their frequency the right way then she should be able to get a stronger connection to her team.

"Almost got it." She says sticking out her tongue in concentration. "There!" She exclaims mentally giving herself a pat on the back for being a genius.

"Uh guys, I don't think they can hear us." Hunk's voice comes through, for the most part clear.

"Wrong big guy, Pidge was able to reconnect our frequencies." Keith butts in, most likely startling the other team members.

"Katie, Keith. I'm glad you are okay." Shiro's voice comes though stronger than the last Paladin's.

Pidge finds Shiro's voice comforting as Keith fills in the rest of the team,"Shiro listen, we found Lotor, he was the one who was sending out the distress signal. We were able to rescue him and escape before the planet melted completely." Keith reports.

"Prince Lotor?! Why didn't you kill him on sight?" Lance demands in a squeaky voice.

"Lance! We don't kill anyone with out a good reason, even with someone like Lotor." Shiro stresses, reprimanding the blue paladin.

"Okay, but we do have some good reasons. for starters he tricked us into trusting him, he betrayed us for a power grab, and he almost got Allura killed in the process." Hunk lists, counting off the reasons on his fingers.

"We will not make this decision now. Everyone head back to the castle and we will decide there." Shiro says in a no questions voice. "Keith, Pidge. Where is Lotor now?"

"I strapped him in with Pidge. He was out cold and I doubt he will be waking up anytime soon with out a cryopod." Keith responds immediately.

"Lotor is in Green?" Shiro demands, his voice jumping in concern.

"I'm fine Shiro. Lotor hasn't flinched this entire time, and even if he does I can handle him alone by the looks of the condition he's in." Pidge explians, trying to reassure the protective black paladin.

"What about the condition you're in? I'm sure you and Keith didn't escape a burning planet without at least a few injuries." Shiro responds, still irritated.

The others stay silent knowing it was better to leave the couple alone in these battle of wills.

"So what do you want me to do, almighty leader?" Pidge sneers. "Throw him out into space?"

"You know that's not what I mean, I just don't want you to be in danger Katie." Shiro expresses, no doubt having on his best set of puppy dog eyes.

Pidge immediately deflates, not having enough energy to stay mad at Shiro. "I know, but really I'm fine." She replies softly. "Let's all just focus on getting back to the castle."

"Right, we'll see you guys there." Lance answers.

Pidge breaks the connection, leaving her comms once again alone with Keith.

"Shiro gave you a bit more fight than usual." Keith comments, breaking the silence.

"He's just worried about me being alone in my lion with Lotor." Pidge responds, slouching in her seat after setting in the castles location.

"If he is this protective of just you, can you imagine how he is going to be when he finds out you're pregnant?" Keith laughs.

"No, and I don't even want to think about it right now." Pidge groans, throwing her head back. "While we are on this subject, can you not tell anyone just yet? I promise I'll tell them, l but I just need some more time to prepare myself." Pidge asks, sitting up and peering over to the red lion.

"Of course Pidge." He responds.

The green paladin sighs and uses the silence to do a bit of thinking. Will being pregnant effect her duties as a paladin of Voltron? Will she be able to be a good mother to this baby? What will they do if more danger comes? The young women places a hand on her stomach protectively, curling her small body around her nonexistent bump.

No. She thinks, stealing herself away from her bad thoughts. She will not let anything happen to this baby, and she won't be alone. She reminds herself. She will have all of team Voltron. But most importantly she will have Shiro, and Pidge knows he would never let anything happen to their baby. That thought alone is enough to quell most of her fears.

All of a sudden Pidge feels a rush of excitement for the future. Will the baby be a girl or boy? What will they name it? Will they have Shiro's eyes or Pidges hair? Her hand tightens on her belly and she gives a little wiggle of excitement in her chair. The Green lion let's out a soft rumble and starts purring at her paladins energy.

They will get through this.

Thank you for your patience between these updates! School is hell.
As always please leave some comments and vote on my chapters!
Also if y'all could show some love to my sister and wonderful editor of this chapter! Her username is ninja_nerd18
She has some awesome works that y'all should check out!

If you have and questions or concerns please leave them in the comments or feel free to message me and I will try to respond as quickly as I can!

Love y'all <3

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