A Story For Peridot

Start from the beginning

"Hold up Peridot. Which episode are you talking about? When was there a canoe race?"

She gasps in shock while the crowd stands and cheers again, stopping her from continuing. It looks like the game ended. I see our team cheer and run to hug each other. I guess we won.

"You wanna come with me Peridot? I'm going to the afterparty." Her face scrunches up. "The one at Jasper's place? Didn't you have some problem with her or something last year?" It's at Jasper's? Shit, I really wanted to go out tonight...

"You know what, nevermind." I start my way to head off the bleachers and go find something else to do. Peridot is trailing behind me.

"Well what were you going to do now," she asks.

I sigh. "I don't know. Go sleep maybe?"

"Well do you wanna hang out for a while? We can find something to do or another party to go to. They're all over downtown anyways. If you want." I consider her suggestion. It sounded fun but did I really want to go out with her? I mean I guess it wouldn't hurt. I was having a little fun with her earlier.

"Fine," I agree. Her face lights up. "But I plan on getting fucked up."

"Fine by me. You do you." I nod and glace around. Sapphire was talking to Ruby and Pearl was heading my way.

"What's up Pearl," I ask boredly.

"Sapphire is heading out with Ruby. Were you still going to the party," she questions.

"No, I'm heading out with Peri. You have fun though." She nods. "Okay then. See you tomorrow."

"Bye. Well, Peri. Let's go."

~Peridot's POV~

I did it. I finally got Lapis Lazuli to speak to me! Gosh, she was being such a clod all year by ignoring me but she finally came around!

We're currently in my car quietly making our way downtown. The streets were filled with lights from nightclubs and bars. There were people smoking outside, a couple of drag queens, and suspicious onlookers.

"Pull over here," Lapis states quickly. I pull into a large parking lot near a large building called Monarch. I'm pretty sure this was an "Adult" nightclub. "We're going into here? Isn't this 21 and up?"

She exits the car before answering me. "Nope, we're going through there," she says while pointing to the dark alley NEXT to the building. It looked like the sketchiest alleyway ever. "Lapis I don't think we should..."

She was already walking towards it with her hands in her pockets. I rush after her. What is she thinking? We could get stabbed. Or killed! Or worse, they could steal my phone!"

"Lapis! Seriously where are you going? This is incredibly dangerous," I say catching up to her.

"Relax, I know what I'm doing." At the end of the alley is a door with a slot on it. Literally like the movies. Lapis knocks on it and it opens up. The man on the inside looks at her and then me. I cautiously take a step behind Lapis. I'm not hiding! I'm just protecting her back.

"She's with me," Lapis states.

The door opens and Lapis walks in but I stay put. She looks back with the tiniest smidge of concern but I could be imagining it. "Do you trust me?" her hand is out, waiting for me to grab on.

"You just quoted Aladdin," I say as I reluctantly take her hand. She only smiles at me and pulls me inside. It's a small room with black walls and another big door. Lapis leads me too it. "If you hate the smell of weed you can back out," she comments.

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