Chapter Seventeen

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Hello everyone. :)

This is kind of a boring chapter but I couldn't just skip over the concert, so I hope you'll power through it for the sake of the next chapter. I kind of got bored near the end so I don't think the writing is as strong as it should be. Consider this a bridge chapter to bigger and better things. :) Except for the first part, I kind of hate it and might change it later when I have time or something.

I would like to take this moment to thank everyone for being awesome and reading this story. Only two dares left, we are nearing the end. I would also like to note beforehand, that what happens during the next two dares, especially the last one, will all work out in the end. It won't seem like it, but it will.

*maniacal laughter*

Please enjoy this story portion which is not a ten thousand word monster, nor is it my best work ever. Just a plain old filler part I believe.

*bribes everyone with cookies to like it despite the flaws*

Speaking of cookies, I'm thinking about the Finnley book Kris has been begging me for. Any interest?


The world is a stage, all the men and women are mearly players.

That's from Shakespeare I think, the only quote I know other than the famous Romeo and Juliet stuff. If the world is a stage then that makes me an actor just acting out a scene. I can do this, I can put on a show for these people despite the fact that my heart had turned into a hummingbird flying around in my chest. I dart across the stage, feeling trillions of eyes judging me. I feel the burning, jealous glare from every woman and the intense, roaming eyes from every male. I make it to Justin, surprised at how big this stage is, it takes me forever to get to him. He grabs my hand, raising it between us so the crowd can see, grinning down at me. His soft smile doesn't match the hot guarded look in his eyes. it's off somehow. This must be his stage persona coming out to play until he feels comfortable enough to drop the act and be himself. It had taken a lot of courage for him to even get on this stage. His face is a little pale, making his razor eyes stand out even more. They cut across the crowd and come back to me, asking for a little help.

I take a cue from him and decide to develop my own stage persona. It's easier to act like I'm confident rather than face the fact that I'm terrified. The crowd is thousands of people deep, they are chanting and screaming with excitement. The sheer force of their screams threatens to blow my eardrums, I want to run away and hide but I won't abandon Justin out here. Before they can overpower me with self consciousness and fear, I reach out and grab the microphone off the stand in front of me. Justin tilts his head to the side with a curious look, he hadn't expected that.

"Helllooooo Neeewwww Yaaawwwwkk!" I yell and the roof is literally blew off the place with the sheer force of their screams. I get some confused looks from the crowd because they have no idea who I am but that makes them no less enthusiastic.

Justin adjusts the microphone headset he's put on and nods at me appreciably. I've broken the ice for him. I draw myself away from him and kind of push him forward.

Go get em'.

"Who's ready to rock tonight?" He asks the crowd with a wicked hot grin and as predicted, they are stirred up into a frenzy that creates gale force winds, carrying a few bras onto the stage. A stray thong lands near my foot and I shimmy away from it.

Justin chuckles and its a deep sound that makes all women everywhere loose feeling in their knees and turns their legs to strawberry Jell-o. They wobble and some aren't even able to support themselves, having to lean against their friends while they recover from their swoon. I actually see one girl in the front row pass out and fall down to the floor. No one moves to help her, they simply see an opening near the stage and step over her to get closer to Justin.

Saving Tin Man (#Wattys2014)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin