Chapter TEN

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Hello all!

(Thank you thank you thank you for reading!!! A million warm cookies to each of you.)

This is what I call a slow chapter. They are hard for me to write, the ones where River and Justin force me to let them rest and relax and be boring so they can be awesome later on.

So I hope you like it, comment and tell me if it's boring. I like to make them jump off of towers and get struck by lightning but they argued and told me they were taking the day off whether I liked it or not. They deserve it so I gave in.

Vote pretty pretty please with a gigantic cherry on top!

Ok, so I'm going to do something I hadn't planned on doing so I guess I'm feeling spontaneous today. Maybe it's because River and Justin shooed me away so they could rest and I'm left to my own creative devices. If you comment and direct your questions to River, Tin-Man, Tarzan, Finnley ect they may reply and answer you back. Choose from anyone that has been in the book so far. Tin-Man is a grump and mysterious so don't be surprised if he's rude and obnoxious or just plain ignores you, you know how moody that guy is. You may or may not get spoilers, who knows?

I'll probably regret this. :D


I wake up groggy and snuggle deeper into the warm chest I've got my face pressed into. Justin's hand is on the small of my back and my hand is splayed out on his chest. I can't help a smile that turns my lips up and my fingers slowly trail over his chest, feeling the smooth muscles underneath his thin shirt. I open my eyes to see itss early morning and a few of the villagers are mulling around.

"Wakey wakey." I whisper into his ear and he smirks, eyes remaining closed.

His other hand comes up and closes my eyelids gently, pressing my head back to his chest.

"Ssshhhh." He murmurs.

"Why?" I whisper yell, afraid we are hiding or something.

"So they won't notice we're awake and we can lie here a little bit longer. Just like this. And sleep. Mmmm."

Gurgle groooowwwwlll.

My stomach loudly betrays our fake sleeping and he sighs, hand moving an inch, brushing over my back and giving me goosebumps.

"You and your need for food."


I lift my head up and poke him in the stomach. "That one came from you."

He smiles and opens his eyes. Our faces are so close I can see my reflection in the dark pools of his eyes. He's not awake enough to have gotten moody yet, they have a peaceful air to them. His morning eyes are breathtaking, blinky and mixed with the right amount of sleep in them. His face softens as he looks down at me and then he smashes my head down again.

"What now?" I grumble, but I'm still smiling.

"Go back to sleep so I can kiss you awake."

My upper body twists around and I'm supporting myself on him, looking down at his face.

"We aren't-" I stammer and protest.

"Aren't we?" He doesn't look confused or angry. He doesn't look anything but handsome; he's just simply asking me what we are doing.

"I've known you for four days." You can't develop feelings after four days, can you? I mean, most people go on dates and see movies and...I'm not sure really why I'm coming up with reasons because I feel more for him than I ever did for my own parents. I'm scared of what I feel for him, because the people I've had in my life that were suppose to love me have always let me down. What if I let him know how I feel and he throws me away too?

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