Chapter SIX

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So I hadn't planned on updating this early but oh well. This part didn't turn out at ALL like I'd planned. Tin Man kind of took matters into his own hands and I was powerless to stop him. You know he pretty much does whatever he wants. 

I live for votes. 

Comments? Tell me what you like about each chapter so I know you all are still in love with this story.

Be prepared to swooooon.


I'm sitting at the airport terminal staring out into nowhere. It's been a few hours since my explosive fight with Justin and I've had a few hours to cool off.

Doesn't mean I'm not still mad, I've just cooled down a few notches. Mostly I feel sick about how I let things turn out. I'm not stupid, I know it hadn't been souley my fault, but I have a feeling we had both overreacted and what I'd done was irreparable. His reaction might have been premature, but not unjustified. I had reacted in the same explosive way with my parents when they told me they were through with me. In fact, I think my reaction had been a little worse because I'd threatened to burn their little perfect house down sometime in the near future.

We were finished, that much was clear.

To keep my mind off of it, I had made my way back to the airport, gotten a passport and booked a ticket to South America, near Brazil. It hadn't been easy explaining what I'd wanted. but I'd somehow gotten my message across with a little help from my phone and Google Translate.

See? I was doing perfectly OK on my own; I didn't need him around to do these dares.

I didn't need him...but I couldn't deny that part of me misses him just a little.

But only for his language skills.

Arg! I have to stop thinking about him. It's not like he's going to come running...


Maybe hobbling is a better word after what I'd done?

It's not like he's going to come hobbling in here chasing after me. My eyes betray me and I jerk my eyes up to scan the terminal hopefully.

Nothing, exactly as I had expected.

So why do I feel disappointed? My heart is all achy inside as if I've hit the funny bone in my heart and even now it's still a little numb and tingly. It's a pain like I've never felt because I've never cared enough about anyone except Gramma care enough that he was gone. It's not the kind of pain you can just take an Aspirin for, curl up in bed and sleep off. It kind of feels like I've done something wrong. I resist the urge to feel sad about the fact that I'll never see him again; that I'll never get the chance to apologize for abandoning him.

Ugh. Stop feeling bad right now.

He's the one who'd just basically exploded and I'd only reacted the best way I knew how. I had been going to take him with me, but he'd jumped the gun and went ahead and freaked out on me.

Ok. I'm giving myself five more seconds of mourning time and then I'm never going to think about him again. That's fair right?


Alright heart, you can just forget about him now and stop hurting, like leaving him on the street caused you physical pain because it's not anatomically possible. I push the thought of him out of my mind and wait for my heart to stop hurting.

I'm still waiting for the pain to subside when they call my flight number. The flight attendant lady smiles at me, but I can only muster a ghost of a smile.

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