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Hello Everyone!

Maybe you remember me, maybe you don't. I know it's been forever since an update. Atleast a week probably. That's a lot of hours without an update. Feel free to throw poison darts at my face.

I know I said this chapter was going to contain the song they sing together but I was wrong because soooo much stuff happened and I couldn't squeeze it all in one chapter.

*Is blown over by the force of disappointed sighs*

BUT, you may notice this is a heck of a chapter and should make up for it. Longest chapter in the world weighing in at over 16,500 words! That's right!

Song and concert will be in the next chapter. PROMISE. River had to have a big chapter somewhere because this whole book has pretty much focused on Justin Justin Justin and we can't have that all the time now can we?

I'm going to shut up now.

Your votes and comments carry me forward on wings of encouragement! 


Fear can lock your legs. Yes, it's a real thing.

I'm standing at the bottom of the steps that lead up into the plane and I can't move. My legs won't work. My brain is telling my legs to go, but they remain firm in their belief that moving forward will be hazardous to my health.

Justin is standing directly beside me, quiet as a church mouse. It appears he's having the same problem by the way he keeps shifting from foot to foot and not moving forward one inch.

"We have know...get on." He snaps irritably, but I know it's not directed towards me. He's in the same predicament as I am, after our last flight that had nearly charbroiled us, we were both hesitant to get on.

In short, we were afraid of dying in a fiery descent into the ocean...again.

I'm thinking seriously about throwing in the towel here, but I know I have to help Justin. I have to get us up on that stage and that means we actually have to get to New York. Right now, I'm not so much focused on the dares as I am about just helping him.

I slide my foot forward and feel the tight rubber band grip of panic snap me backwards.

One step forward, two steps back.

This is ridiculous.

"OK." Justin rubs his hands together and nods his head. He swallows hard and leans forward valiantly, but his legs are stuck in the quicksand of doubt.

"This is stupid." I sigh and fix my hair in an effort to stall while still keeping up the appearance that we are, in fact, not stalling but just enjoying the hot sticky Brazilian air drenching our bodies in pouring sweat.

"One of us has to go first." Justin eyes me.

"Yep. Gentleman first." I reach over and shove him. He stumbles forward which breaks him free of the shackles holding him down. He takes a few steps forward and kind of does a hillbilly style jig as if he's walking for the first time. It's a miracle!

"Come on." He brushes his damp hair back out of his eyes and offers me his hand.

I don't want to die. I don't want to get on the plane. I don't want to die in a crash that burnsmyfaceoff!

"Eeek!" I am flung over his shoulder and am treated to a fine view of the seat of his pants as he carries me up the flight of stairs.

Let's just say I focus more on how his back pockets move than the fact we are boarding Death Plane 2014.

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