Chapter TWO

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(Huge Second Chapter Lightly edited- vote if you would like to read more. :) )


Chapter two

"So let me make sure I've got this straight." Justin says.

I nod my head for him to continue.

"A strange guy gave you a phone. You do these dare things and you get money?"

I nod. "That pretty much sums it up." When he said it like that, it really did sound strange but I had never questioned it. Sure, some of the dares were illegal or risky but the money always made its way to me somehow. It was a good gig so I didn't rock the boat.

He tilts back in his chair. "And you need me to go with you to Paris to do...what exactly?"

He would never go with me if I told him the details that involved a certain tower and free falling so I frowned, feigning annoyance at his questions.

"Are you in or not? I'm running out of time to get there."

"Ok." He says. Just like that. Very simple and accepting.

He was going? That was it? I had expected more of a fight from him because after all, it had taken a considerable amount of work to get him to even talk to me. In my mind I was already trying to figure out the best way to get us there. I might have to steal plane tickets because I certainly couldn't afford them. I'd won some money but I'd spent almost all of it.

"One thing first." 

The sly dog, I knew he wanted something. His lips twitched into a knowing smirk. He knew he had me by the horns.

"What?" I gave him what I call my patented scrupulous glare.

"I kind of have a rule to never go anywhere with a girl who's name I don't know."

Duh. I blushed, I had totally forgotten to give him my name.

"It's River." I dared him to laugh.

He didn't laugh like most people do or make stupid water jokes about my name. Instead he simply blinked, accepting it for what it was. 


Well wasn't he being Mr. Agreeable?

"You're being very...nice." I pointed out cautiously, afraid to poke the bear again.

He smirked. "Wait five minutes and we'll see if I'm in the same mood."

"You do have mood swings." I pointed out incase no one had ever told him. He needed to be informed so maybe he would seek professional help.

He rose from his chair and stepped towards me, bending his mouth down near my ear.

"Maybe I've got my reasons." He whispers before grabbing my hand and jerking me up out of the seat.

"I thought you were in a hurry?" He asked in a snippy little voice, as if I needed to be reminded.

I snort and lead the way out the door. The rain had slowed to a light mist. I pulled my hood up, looking over at him. Droplets cling to his hair and jacket but it doesn't faze him. He looks down at me expectantly.

"I guess we'll take a" I pull the idea out of my imaginary hat.

"Sounds like a plan." He leans on a nearby car, all too willing to let me take the lead and leave me to flag down a speeding taxi as they flew by practicing for the Daytona 500.

I sent him a miniscule glare but kept the burning to a minimum. He had agreed to go with me, saving me a ton of time looking for someone else. And he wasn't going to be bad to stare at either, the way I saw it I was coming out on top of the deal.

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