It was just a shame it was decided so quickly. You'd never get a chance to say goodbye to Angel, or any of the other girls. You didn't show it made you sad, but it did.

"And the others agreed to that?" He continued struggling to his feet. 

"Gally has everyone convinced you're the reason all this has happened," Teresa answered. You still didn't completely trust her, there was something slightly off with her. She seemed nice yesterday when you first met but the way she was acting made you suspicious. She was too calm, or she was just very good at pretending to be.

"Well, he's been right so far," Thomas stated confusing everyone. 

"The hell are you talking about?" Minho asked voicing his confusion.

"This place," Thomas stated, "It's not what we thought it was. It's not a prison it's a test. It all started when we were kids, they would give us these challenges, they were experimenting on us. And then people started disappearing, every month one after the other like clockwork."

"Sending them up into the maze," Newt finished for him.

You started to feel yourself getting angry and sad, everyone you had loved and cared for that had died in this horrible place, had died for an experiment. They'd been killed like animals for some stupid test. You stood up and started to pace in the small area. It was a habit you had picked up, you paced like a tiger when you were nervous or agitated.

"Yeah, but not all of us," Thomas added.

"Want do you mean?" Newt asked, you had more questions but didn't trust yourself to speak at this moment, anger and sadness were still your main emotions.

After a second Thomas answered, "Guys, I'm one of them," you could feel yourself getting more and more angry at what he was saying. He helped them do this?

"The people who put you here, I worked with them. I watched you guys for years, the entire time you've been here I was on the other side of it... and so were you." You looked around and he was looking at Teresa. "Teresa, we did this to them." 

"No," she shook her head, "It can't be true," that's when you felt yourself reach your limit.

"Well, there's no point denying it," you snapped at her, everyone turned to look at you. 

"B-but...," she stuttered trying to think of something to say.

"Don't you dare sit there and deny what you did, even if you don't bloody remember it you still did it. You watched us all fight for our lives and you did nothing. You watched our loved ones die!"

She was crying now, she may be hurting but it was nothing to the pain you were in. Nothing to the pain you'd been in for years.

"And you," You snapped at Thomas, you were less hard on him because he wasn't denying it, he was trying to get everyone out of this.

"I'm sure I was just doing as I was told," she muttered trying to defend herself. Wrong thing to say. You reached down into your boot and pulled out the spare knife you forgot you had.

"What did you say?" You asked pointing it at her.



"Y/N, calm down!" Shouted the others but you ignored them not looking at anywhere but Teresa's eyes.

"Sure you were just following orders, but your bloody orders that caused her death! It's your fault," you screamed at her. Strong arms gripped you and pushed you away from her.

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