I Really Like You.

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While i was waiting on Alfie to come and pick me up, i went through my missed calls. My dad called me over 10 times, Joe called a few times and the rest were from Louise and Alfie. After waiting a few minutes, I saw Alfie turn the corner onto the dark empty street, he ran towards me and i ran towards him.

I fell into his arms and he held me close and kissed my head.

"Zoe, are you alright, what happened?" Alfie asked still holding me but looking into my eyes.

"I'm tired, i went to a night club with James and i had one to many drinks and then we kissed and we went back to his flat and i may have taken, some...drugs, and...Cigarettes... I'm so stupid!" I said nearly crying, again.

"Oh Zoe. Where is this James guy? And who is here?! Did he hurt you?!" Alfie asked i could hear anger in his voice.

"I left his flat while he was asleep, He's my postman and he was nice and he is but tonight he made me feel normal and free. He did'nt hurt me, it was my fault." i explained and he hugged me tight.

"Well, i can't take you home like this, so how about you come back to mines?" Alfie said with a smile.

"I would really like that." i said with a little smile.

While we were walking to Alfie's house he gave me his big grey hoodie and i phoned my Dad, i was pissed off that i didnt call him or tell him i was going out but i told him that i was staying with Alfie and i was fine. I then called Louise and she was releaved that i called because she said she couldnt sleep knowing i was still out and not safe. When we finally arrived at Alfie's flat, he used a little key to get into the glass door and then we walked up the stairs to his door. Alfie lives alone and his flat was pretty empty, the walls were all white and you could hear yourself echo.

Alfie went to his room and got me one of his shirts and a glass of water and told me i could use his bathroom. I went to the bathroom and got changed into the oversized top that he gave me. I then came back out to the living room and drink my water. Alfie told me that he would take the couch and i could take the bed.

"Alfie, I've slept in a bed with you before." I said reasurring him.

"I know but i thought, maybe with you already being in a bed with a guy tonight, that maybe it would be weird." Alfie said sounding a bit unsure of his words.

"I'm not going to talk to that guy again, he's nice and all that but he's not you..." i didnt really know where i was going with this.

"What do you mean?" Alfie asked sounding confused.

"He's not there when i need him, he doesnt text me and worry if im okay, he doesnt know that im not fine, he doesnt know i do youtube, he didnt even know i exsisted. He's not you." i said taking a pause between each sentence and i watched as Alfie's smile got bigger and bigger.

Alfie walked over to where i was standing and hugged me and looked into my eyes.

"I really like you." Alfie said while looking deep into my eyes.

"I really like you too." i said back with a smile and i put my head on his chest.

we stood there for ages until my phone went off and i went over to check who it was from.

James: Hey, tonight was amazing! We should do it again sometime! x

Alfie was right behind me reading it along with me.

"So, what are you going to say back?" Alfie asked while looking a bit hurt and looking at the floor.

"I'm not going to say anything back." I put my hand on his chin and made him look into my eyes, " I have all i need right here."

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