Try for Once.

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One day, i was on youtube and came across the channel 'SACCONEJOLY's' they were amazing. They were just a normal family, but there was something about them that made me want to watch more. After watching loads of their videos, i came across some beauty videos, i was very happy because i've always loved makeup.

Most of the youtubers that did beauty all had blogs and i went over to check out what a blog was, i was very intrigued. After reading many blog posts, i decided to make my own. I quickly wrote up my own post about my favourite makeup tips and posted it without any hesitations.

Then my anxiety kicked in. You really think people are gonna like this? This is just another disastor waiting to happen. This is so stupid. You think people will really care?

I tried to shake it off but i couldnt.

Im so sick and tired of not trying. Maybe this is a first step.

I should try blogging and if i really enjoy it then thats good enough for me, this is a huge step in itself.


Then the doorbell went, normally i would just stay in bed and ignore it but keep all the lights off so no one knew i was home. But this time i found myself getting out of bed, putting on my slippers, opening my bedroom door, peeking to see if anyone was home, tip toeing to the front door, peeping through the peep hole to find the postman. I opened it slowly and was greeted but a boy about my age with blue eyes and blondish hair.

"Good Morning, could you please keep this for your neighbour and sign this for me?" he said while passing me a note.

I didnt reply but i took the note and wrote 'Zoe Sugg' and then swapped the note for a parcel.

I was about to close the door, when he spoke to me again.

"Sorry i hope you dont mind me asking, but do you live here?" he asked with an unsure look on his face.

"I-er, I live here." i said back stutterring a bit.

"Well i hope to see more of you." he said with a cheecky smile and a wink, while walking away from my front door.

I quickly closed the door, locked it. Then placed the parcel down next to the door and went back to my bedroom, into my comfy bed.

I cant believe i just did that! I cant believe i didnt have a panic attack! I'm so proud of myself!

I'm so happy that i tried for once.

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